- 规划与建设
- 文章编号:1009-6000(2021)08-0083-08
- 中图分类号:TU984 文献标识码:B
- Doi:10.3969/j.issn.1009-6000.2021.08.012
- 作者简介:王越,浙江省城乡规划设计研究院,规划师;
- “均等化”视角下的县域教育设施配置研究 ——以安徽省五河县为例
- Research on the Distribution of County Education Facilities from the Perspective of Equalization: A Case Study of Wuhe County of Anhui Province
- 浏览量:
- 王越 王启轩 王海琴
- WANG Yue WANG Qixuan WANG Haiqin
- 摘要:
教育设施的合理配置是完善要素供给、均衡设施分布、提升教育质量的重要措施,而其在“均等化”前提下实现配置更是促进城乡协调发展、保证群众美好生活需要的目标之一。以往的县域教育设施配置评价研究常囿于“行政思维”,以“服务半径”为标准、以行政单元为配置单元进行,易忽视各空间单元内的特质及城乡人口流动情况。文章从“均等化”视角出发,以县域设施数量、人口分布、道路网数据等为基础,通过多种空间分析模型对五河县教育设施配置状态作评价,并结合问卷调查反映城乡居民对教育设施的使用效果。研究发现:①五河县县域教育设施布局差异较为明显,师资配置在空间上不均衡;②县域教育设施可达性相对较好,城乡交通可达性水平对于教育设施的均等化起到了关键作用;③县城优质教育资源供不应求,偏远乡村教育资源则出现闲置,同时居民对教育设施的满意度有所差异,与其居住乡镇位置、收入情况等关系密切。在此基础上,就教育资源如何实现质量优化和均等化配置作若干探讨。 - 关键词:
教育设施;均等化;配置评价;五河县; - Abstract: Reasonable allocation of educational facilities is an important measure to improve the supply of factors, balance the distribution of facilities and improve the quality of education. The realization of allocation on the premise of “equalization” is one of the goals to promote the coordinated development of urban and rural areas and ensure the people’s good living needs. Previous studies on the allocation of educational facilities in counties are often confined to “administrative thinking”, which takes “service radius” as the standard and administrative unit as the allocation unit. It is easy to ignore the characteristics of each spatial unit and the situation of urban-rural population flow. From the perspective of “equalization”, this paper evaluates the allocation status of educational facilities in Wuhe county through various spatial analysis models based on the number of facilities, population distribution and road network data in the county, and reflects the effect of urban and rural residents on the use of educational facilities through questionnaires. The study finds that: (1) There are obvious differences in the layout of educational facilities in Wuhe county, and the allocation of teachers is not balanced in space; (2) the accessibility of educational facilities in Wuhe county is relatively good, and the level of urban-rural traffic accessibility plays a key role in the equalization of educational facilities; (3) the supply of high-quality educational resources in county towns exceeds the demand, while the allocation of educational resources in remote villages is not balanced. At the same time, the residents' satisfaction with educational facilities is different, which is closely related to the location and income of their towns and villages. On this basis, this paper discusses how to optimize and equalize the allocation of educational resources.
- Key words: educational facilities; equalization; allocation evaluation; Wuhe county
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