- 新消费社会和城市空间
- 文章编号:1009-6000(2021)09-0043-05
- 中图分类号:F014.5 文献标识码:B
- Doi:10.3969/j.issn.1009-6000.2021.09.006
- 项目基金:2018年度国家社会科学基金一般项目“天人合一视角下民族志理论与方法研究”(18BSH139)。
- 作者简介:卢崴诩,华东理工大学社会与公共管理学院副教授,主要研究方向为社会学理论、方法论、环境社会学。
- 消费意义的合作创造——以“捡拾中国”环保项目为例
- Cooperative Creation of Consumption Meanings: A Case Study of An Environmental Protection Project “Pick Up China”
- 浏览量:
- 卢崴诩
- LU Weixu
- 摘要:
消费社会学中的“资本操纵论”与“消费者抵抗论”固定化了资本与消费者之间的对立关系。但是,一个针对户外失控垃圾的环保项目“捡拾中国”却展示了社会组织、公众、资本合作创造消费新意义的经过。捡拾中国项目执行者和参与公众在资本直接控制范围之外的城乡社会空间中成功地创造了户外活动的新方式与新意义。但是,这一新方式与新意义项目的产生过程非但不排斥资本反而欢迎它的加入。资本加入此消费新意义创造过程的方式有3类:资本付费让其员工参加户外捡拾活动,资本以物料、资金支持户外捡拾活动的举办,资本在其产品中融入户外捡拾活动。“资本操纵论”与“消费者抵抗论”从高高在上的学者立场压抑普通人的真实消费体验。文章认为:社会学研究者应该亲近普通人的消费体验,探索宽阔、深厚、丰富的日常生活。 - 关键词:
消费体验;资本操纵论;消费者抵抗论;行动者网络理论;批判的社会学; - Abstract: The “capitalist manipulation theory” and “consumer resistance theory” in consumption sociology fixate on the antagonistic relationship between capitalists and consumers. However, “Pick up China”, an environmental protection project for mismanaged outdoor waste showed how NPOs, the public and businesses cooperated to create new consumption meanings. “Pick up China” project managers and participating people successfully created new styles and meanings for outdoor activities in urban and rural space beyond the direct control of market. However, the process of creating the new styles and meanings still welcomed the resources from businesses. There were three ways for businesses to take part in the process of creating the new consumption meanings: First, businesses paid for its employees to participate in the new outdoor activities. Second, businesses supported the holding of the new outdoor activities with materials and funds. Third, businesses integrated the new outdoor activities into its products. “Capitalist manipulation theory” and “consumer resistance theory” have a superior academic manner and suppress the real consumption experience of ordinary people. This article argues that sociological researchers should get closer to ordinary people's consumption experience and explore broad, profound and rich daily life.
- Key words: consumption experience; capitalist manipulation theory; consumer resistance theory; actornetwork theory; critical sociology
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