- 规划与建设
- 文章编号:1009-6000(2021)09-0063-08
- 中图分类号:TU98 文献标识码:B
- Doi:10.3969/j.issn.1009-6000.2021.09.009
- 项目基金:天津师范大学博士基金(52XB1904)。
- 作者简介:徐颖,香港中文大学地理与资源管理学系,博士生;
- 中心城区铁路站场综合开发的探索与实践 ——以香港西九龙站和重庆沙坪坝站为例
- Research on Railway S t a t i o n Comprehensive Developments in Central Urban Areas: A Case Study of Hong Kong West Kowloon Hub and Chongqing Shapingba Hub
- 浏览量:
- 徐颖 肖锐琴 张为师
- XU Ying XIAO Ruiqin ZHANG Weishi
- 摘要:
伴随对“缝合铁路割裂,促进城市品质发展”的高品质开发的呼唤,铁路与城区融合发展已成为众多城市中心区铁路站点地区规划建设的重点和难点。综合开发作为一种盘活铁路土地资源、提升中心城区空间品质的创新路径,将成为我国铁路站场区域发展的重要模式。文章从决策合作组织、土地制度及出让、规划设计与实施、运营收益平衡等方面对香港西九龙、重庆沙坪坝这两个中心城区铁路站场案例进行梳理分析,总结得出站城紧密融合的空间组织逻辑、立体出让的土地制度灵活设计、跨部门多主体的协作共商平台、打造“铁路+多方”利益共同体对于保障和推动铁路综合开发的关键作用等经验,以期为今后中心城区铁路综合开发的研究与规划实践提供一些启示。 - 关键词:
铁路站场;综合开发;站城融合; - Abstract: With the support of the government's multi-railway comprehensive development policy, the comprehensive development of railway overlaying space has become an innovative path to invigorate railway land resources and improve the spatial quality of surrounding urban areas. Compared with the overlaying development of subways, it is a more complex system, which has features of multiple stakeholders, interdisciplinary collaboration and complex interest distribution. The problem of coordination mechanism has been highlighted in practices. It is urgent to summarize the recent experiences of overseas and mainland cases to pave the way for future practice. This paper presents and compares two typical railway overlaying cases of Chongqing Shapingba and Hong Kong West Kowloon, analyzing the collaborative mechanism of comprehensive railway development from the aspects of physical space planning and design, decision-making and cooperation mode, financing and land transfer mode, interest distribution balance scheme, project implementation and construction, and other lifecycle processes. This case study puts forward the critical roles of station-city integration spatial logic, cross-department and multi-subject (“road-land-market”) collaborative platform, and supporting land-use policy. They guarantee and promote sustainable railway comprehensive development and urbanization.
- Key words: railway station; comprehensive development; integrated development of urban-station area
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