- 新消费社会和城市空间
- 文章编号:1009-6000(2021)09-0028-08
- 中图分类号:C912.81 文献标识码:B
- Doi:10.3969/j.issn.1009-6000.2021.09.004
- 项目基金:上海同济城市规划设计研究院“上海石库门遗产社区的可持续更新研究”课题(KY-2015-ZD8-C04)。
- 作者简介:章超,同济大学政治与国际关系学院社会学系讲师,研究方向:城市社会学,文化与消费。
- 审美化作为理解空间进程和空间经验的一个框架 ——基于对上海的观察和研究
- Aestheticization as a Framework for Analyzing Spatial Process and Experience Based on the Urban Fieldwork in Shanghai
- 浏览量:
- 章超
- ZHANG Chao
- 摘要:
在文化和体验愈加被重视的语境中,审美化已经成为空间生产和消费领域变革的重要特征。文章尝试提出从日常生活审美化和环境美学的视角理解“文化导向的城市更新”背景下人们的空间经验。主体部分以上海市中心城区以文化、遗产和旅游为主题的更新街区——田子坊为案例,阐释了访客—消费者对空间的感知、想象以及相伴随的身体在空间中的状态。与访客想象性的、带有浪漫伦理的审美体验相比,仍居住于田子坊的原住民在整体的审美秩序中处于边缘地位。文章还就应用日常生活审美化理论进行空间经验分析的方法论基点和前景进行了探索。 - 关键词:
日常生活审美化;环境美学;空间经验;上海;文化导向的城市更新; - Abstract: Amidst the contemporary context in which culture and experience is more emphasized, aestheticization has been an important feature of producing and consuming space. This paper draws on the perspective of aestheticization of everyday life and environmental aesthetics so as to interpret people’s spatial experience in the broader map of culture-led urban regeneration. The main body of the article discusses the case of Tianzifang-a mixed neighborhood in downtown Shanghai of residence, retail and leisure, focusing on the regular visitors’/consumers’ perceptions and imaginations of Tianzifang as well as their physical state in space. Compared with the consumers’ imaginative and romantic ethics involved in spatial experience, the remaining low-income local residents, as reference to authenticity, however, are marginalized in the entire hierarchy. Finally, methodological elicitations and prospects for applying aestheticization theory in spatial experience analysis are proposed.
- Key words: aestheticization of everyday life; environmental aesthetics; spatial experience; Shanghai; culture-led urban regeneration
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