- 生态与环境
- 文章编号:1009-6000(2021)09-0085-07
- 中图分类号:X321 文献标识码:B
- Doi:10.3969/j.issn.1009-6000.2021.09.012
- 项目基金:国家“十三五”重点研发计划“闽三角城市群生态安全格局网络设计与安全保障技术集成与示范”(2016YFC0502903);国家自然科学基金重点项目“快速城镇化典型衍生灾害防治的规划设计原理与方法”(51438009)。
- 作者简介:梁晨,天津大学建筑学院博士研究生,主要研究方向为城乡生态安全与空间规划;
- 福建省区域环境效率的空间分异与驱动因素
- Spatial Heterogeneity and Driving Factors of Regional Environmental Efficiency in Fujian Province
- 浏览量:
- 梁晨 曾坚 沈中健
- LIANG Chen ZENG Jian SHEN Zhongjian
- 摘要:
基于2013—2017 年福建省各市面板数据,运用超效率DEA 和Malmquist 生产率指数模型对其区域环境效率空间分异特征进行分析,并通过面板回归分析讨论了其驱动因素及作用机制。结果表明:①福建省区域生态全要素效率以年均2% 的速度增长,但是内部发展质量不高,区域全局性规模无效和技术供给不足是主要限制因素;②环境效率在市级尺度上出现显著的空间分异,且各市发展差距有扩大趋势;③经济集聚和扩大科研投入可显著提高区域环境效率,而发展规模、产业结构和开放程度对区域环境效率产生负向影响。最后提出梯度集聚、优化规模,差异发展、适度均衡,转型调整、优化资源配置的发展建议。 - 关键词:
区域环境效率;数据包络分析;空间分异;驱动因素;福建省; - Abstract: Based on the panel data of 9 cities in Fujian province from 2013 to 2017, the super-efficiency DEA and Malmquist productivity index models were used to measure the spatial heterogeneity of regional environmental efficiency in Fujian province. Then the research further analyzed the driving factors and developing mechanism of environmental efficiency through panel regression. The results showed that: (1) The environmental efficiency in Fujian province increased at an average annual rate of 2%, but with low quality of internal development. The inefficiency of regional overall scale and insufficient technology supply were the main constraints. (2) Environmental efficiency showed a significant dispersion at the city level and the development gap between cities expanded. (3) Economic agglomeration and increase of scientific research input could significantly improve regional environmental efficiency, while development scale, industrial structure and openness had a negative impact on it. Finally, this paper put forward three suggestions to promote regional development, which were strategy of gradient agglomeration and development scale optimization, strategy of diversified and balanced development, and strategy of transformation and resource allocation optimization.
- Key words: regional environmental efficiency; data envelopment analysis; spatial heterogeneity; driving factors; Fujian province
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