- 新消费社会和城市空间
- 文章编号:1009-6000(2021)09-0036-07
- 中图分类号:C912.81 文献标识码:B
- Doi:10.3969/j.issn.1009-6000.2021.09.005
- 项目基金:国家社科基金青年项目“基于城市权利视角的‘违规空间’治理机制研究”(19CSH006)。
- 作者简介:吴军,男,中共北京市委党校(北京行政学院)北京市人口研究所、社会学教研部副主任,副教授,研究方向为城市社会学与城市研究;
- 社区消费场景研究:基于青年需求的实证分析
- The Research of Community Consumption Scenes: An Empirical Analysis Based Youth Demand
- 浏览量:
- 吴军 郑昊
- WU Jun ZHENG Hao
- 摘要:
随着我国城市由增量扩张进入存量提升的高质量发展阶段,如何提升社区便利度和改善服务体验从而提升城市生活品质,是新发展阶段我国城市社区发展治理面临的重大理论与现实问题。文章讨论的社区场景" target="_blank">消费场景为破解这一问题提供了新路径。社区场景" target="_blank">消费场景是场景理论在社区消费领域的实践与运用。自2017 年起,北京、上海、成都等城市不断地把场景运用到城市与社区发展治理实践当中,并取得了良好效果。然而,学术界对这方面的分析较少,理论成果比较薄弱。文章以青年社区消费需求数据为依据,采用因子分析,在26 类舒适物集合的基础上形成了社区场景" target="_blank">消费场景的4 个维度:公共设施、生活服务、社区零售、文化娱乐;然后,通过聚类分析形成4 种社区场景" target="_blank">消费场景的理想类型:“低需求—无侧重”“中需求—侧重社区零售”“中需求—侧重公共设施”“高需求—侧重生活文娱”;并通过非线性典型相关分析(OVERALS)等方法,了解不同社区场景" target="_blank">消费场景对应的重点青年群体特质,为满足青年群体需求与社区消费供给的精准对接提供理论参考。文章认为,对青年社区消费需求的关注和满足,不仅有利于提升城市居民的社区服务体验和城市生活品质,而且还有利于增进青年群体的社区参与和社区认同。 - 关键词:
社区;消费场景;青年;舒适物;场景; - Abstract: As China's cities move from incremental expansion to the high-quality development stage of stock improvement, how to improve the convenience of communities and improve the service experience to enhance the quality of urban life is a major theoretical and practical problem facing the development and governance of urban communities in the new development stage. The community consumption scenes discussed in this article provides a new way to solve this problem. The community consumption scene is the practice and application of the theory of scenes in the field of community consumption. Since 2017, cities such as Beijing, Shanghai, and Chengdu have continuously applied scenes to their urban and community development practices, and achieved promising results. However, there are few empirical analyses on this topic in academia, and the theoretical results are relatively weak. Based on the consumption demand data of youth communities, this research uses factor analysis to form five dimensions of community consumption scenes based on 26 types of amenity items: public facilities, life services, community retail, and culture and entertainment. Then, it uses cluster analysis to form four ideal types of community consumption scenes: “low demand-no focus”, “medium demand-focus on community retail”, “medium demand-focus on public facilities”and“high demand-focus on life services, culture and entertainment”. Next, it uses methods such as OVERALS correspondence analysis to understand the characteristics of key youth groups corresponding to different community consumption scenes, providing a theoretical reference for meeting the needs of youth groups and the precise connection of community consumption and supply. This article believes that paying attention to and satisfying the consumption needs of youth communities is not only conducive to improving the community service experience of urban residents and the quality of urban life, but also conducive to enhancing the level of community participation and identification of youth groups.
- Key words: community; consumption scenes; youth; amenities; scenes
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