- 人文与社会
- 文章编号:1009-6000(2022)01-0126-07
- 中图分类号:TU985.12 文献标识码:B
- Doi:10.3969/j.issn.1009-6000.2022.01.018
- 项目基金:国家自然科学基金面上项目(32071833);公园城市街道品质评价指标体系及空间一体化设计模式语言研究及应用(R-2020-12-L-A-2021)。
- 作者简介:杨璐,北京林业大学,在读硕士研究生,研究方向:风景园林规划设计、社区营造和公共健康;
- 隔代抚育背景下的城市住区户外公共空间“携孙”行为研究
- Research on the Behavior of “the Grandparents’ Looking After” in Outdoor Public Space of Urban Residential Areas under the Background of Intergenerational Parenting
- 浏览量:
- 杨璐 陈宏宇 李倞
- YANG Lu CHEN Hongyu LI Liang
- 摘要:
“携孙”行为是中国当前城市住区户外公共空间中普遍存在的一种行为模式。为了了解“携孙”行为的活动特征及其与户外公共空间景观空间要素的关系,选取了马号街社区为研究对象,运用问卷访谈法和行为观察法调查了“携孙”行为主体的基本情况、行为活动特征、社区公园景观空间要素特征,并分析了它们之间的关系。研究发现:(1)“携孙”行为的行为主体之一的(外)祖父母在这种活动模式中占主导地位。(2)住区户外公共空间中,分离型“携孙”行为远多于互动型“携孙”行为,分离型“携孙”行为的活动内容以休闲类活动为主,互动型“携孙”行为以康体类活动为主。(3)活动场地的景观空间要素对“携孙”行为类型(分离型/ 互动型)无显著影响,对“携孙”行为的活动内容(通过类/ 康体类/ 休闲类)影响显著。活动场地的遮阴程度越高,场地中康体类和休闲类“携孙”行为的人数越多,活动场地的服务设施越丰富;休闲类“携孙”行为人数越多,而服务设施的丰富度对康体类“携孙”行为人数无显著影响;本研究中其他景观空间因素对“携孙”行为均无显著影响。在进一步分析的基础上,对未来住区户外公共空间设计提出具体建议。 - 关键词:
住区;户外公共空间;“携孙”行为;行为特征;景观空间要素;相关性; - Abstract: Behavior of “the grandparents’ looking after” is a prevalent behavior pattern in community outdoor public spaces. In order to understand the behavior characteristics of “the grandparents’ looking after” and its relationship with the landscape elements of outdoor public space, this study investigated the basic situation of the actors, the characteristics of their behavioral activities and the landscape elements of the community park using questionnaire interview and behavioral observation, and then analyzed the relationship between them. It is found that: (1)Grandparents, one of the main actors in behavior of “the grandparents’ looking after”, play a dominant role in this behavior pattern. (2)In community outdoor public spaces, there are far more “separate” types than “interactive” types of “the grandparents’ looking after” behaviors. The activity contents of the “separated” type of “the grandparents’ looking after” behaviors are mainly recreational activities, while the “interactive” type of “the grandparents’ looking after” behaviors is mainly sports activities. (3)The landscape and spatial elements of the activity spot have no significant influence on the type of behavior of “the grandparents’ looking after” (separated/interactive), but have a significant influence on the content of “the grandparents’ looking after” behaviors (through/sport/recreation). (4)The higher the level of shade in the spot, the higher the number of “the grandparents’ looking after” behaviors in both recreational and sport categories; the richer the services and facilities in the spot, the higher the number of “the grandparents’ looking after” behaviors in the recreational category, but the richness of the services and facilities had no significant effect on the number of “the grandparents’ looking after” behaviors in the sport category. Other landscape spatial factors had no significant influence on the behavior of “the grandparents’ looking after”. On the basis of further analysis, specific recommendations are made for the future construction of outdoor public space in the community.
- Key words: urban residential areas; outdoor public space; “the grandparents’ looking after” behavior; behavioral characteristics; landscape spatial elements; correlation
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