- 规划与建设
- 文章编号:1009-6000(2022)01-0093-06
- 中图分类号:U-9 文献标识码:A
- Doi:10.3969/j.issn.1009-6000.2022.01.013
- 项目基金:国家自然科学基金面上项目“基于复杂自适应系统理论的城市职住空间与公共交通体系耦合机制研究”(51778366)。
- 作者简介:杨培霖,男,硕士,深圳市蕾奥规划设计咨询股份有限公司,工程师;
- 慢行道多模式服务水平评估方法探讨
- Discussion on Multi-Mode Level of Service Evaluation of Trail
- 浏览量:
- 杨培霖 辜智慧 周旭平 彭干娟 陈义勇
- YANG Peilin GU Zhihui ZHOU Xuping PENG Ganjuan CHEN Yiyong
- 摘要:
已有的道路服务水平研究多集中于机动车道,针对弱势的非机动交通方式使用者的研究非常有限。鉴于此,文章以深圳慢行道为例,通过仿真模型再现慢行道使用情景并进行动态监测,构建适宜的监测指标并与使用者主观感受相对比,得到适宜本土的慢行道服务水平评估方法与评估体系。研究发现:通过仿真模拟再现不同使用人群及其相互冲突,动态监测指标与使用人群的主观感受具有较高的相关性,其结果可为慢行道的宽度及形式设计、容量管理等提供技术支持和参考。 - 关键词:
慢行道;仿真模拟;多模式服务水平; - Abstract: Level of service of road is an important basis for determining the scale and design of road network. Most of existing researches focused on motor traffic, few on non-motorized transport, especially for elder, children and wheelchair users. Thus, this paper proposes a multi-mode level of service assessment method for trails based on analogue simulation. Taking Shenzhen trails as examples, the observation data of different users is input into the simulation model to reproduce the scenario and monitor dynamic indicators. Comparing with the user’s feelings, a local level of service assessment system is proposed. The study found that the elder, children, wheelchairs users accounted for a relatively high proportion of trails, up to 20% during the peak period. The simulation can reproduce the different users and their conflicts. Dynamic monitoring indicators have a high correlation with users’ feeling. The results can provide technical support and reference for design and capacity management for trails.
- Key words: trail; analogue simulation; multi-model level of service
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