- 规划与建设
- 文章编号:1009-6000(2022)01-0074-09
- 中图分类号:F293 文献标识码:B
- Doi:10.3969/j.issn.1009-6000.2022.01.011
- 项目基金:国家自然科学基金青年项目“基于挤出效应的云南旅游古镇传统文化景观演化与重构研究”(51108403);国家自然科学基金地区项目“西南生态脆弱区河流保护地空间确定研究——以四川省为例”(4171111)。
- 作者简介:赵敏(1973—),女,云南大学建筑与规划学院,国家林业和草原局国家公园管理局国家公园规划研究中心,副教授,博士,国家注册城市规划师,研究方向为遗产地可持续发展、保护地规划;
- 历史城镇型活态遗产地空间消费中的利益网络变迁 ——以丽江古城为例
- Interest Network Changes of Living Heritage Site Spatial Consumption in Historic Town: A Case of Lijiang Old Town
- 浏览量:
- 赵敏 李鹏 李楠楠 张俊
- ZHAO Min LI Peng LI Nannan ZHANG Jun
- 摘要:
活态遗产地空间的消费决定了生产,而生产又创造了消费。活态遗产地空间消费是活态性要素的消费化表征,具体表现为传统建构、地点塑造和生活重构3 种活动。采用社会网络分析法,以丽江古城为例,研究历史城镇型活态遗产地空间消费中的利益网络变迁,结果发现:当地政府机构始终占据利益网络的主导地位,并与旅游企业结为联盟;在开发阶段,国有企业和原住民处于利益网络的重要位置,旅游者则处于最边缘;在运营阶段,外来民企和外来务工者取代了国有企业和原住民的位置,旅游者的地位明显提高;3 种空间消费活动促成两个阶段的不同网络关系,两种利益网络反过来推动两个阶段空间消费活动的循环往复运动,从而带动整个空间消费过程。 - 关键词:
空间消费;活态遗产地;利益网络变迁;社会网络分析法;丽江古城; - Abstract: The consumption of living heritage space determines production, and production creates consumption. The spatial consumption of the living heritage site is the consumerization representation of the living elements, which is embodied in the three activities of traditional construction, place shaping and life reconstruction. Using the social network analysis method, taking the ancient city of Lijiang as an example, the paper studies the changes of the interest network in the spatial consumption of the historical town-type living heritage site. The results found that: local government agencies always occupy the dominant position of the interest network and form alliances with tourism companies. In the development stage, state-owned enterprises and indigenous people are at an important position in the interest network, while tourists are at the most marginal position. In the operation stage, foreign private enterprises and migrant workers replace the positions of state-owned enterprises and indigenous people, and the status of tourists is significantly improved. The three types of spatial consumption activities promote different network relationships in the two stages, and the two interest networks in turn promote the cyclical movement of the two stages of spatial consumption activities, thereby driving the entire spatial consumption process.
- Key words: spatial consumption; living heritage site; interest network change; social network analysis; Lijiang old town
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