- 规划与建设
- 文章编号:1009-6000(2022)10-0101-07
- 中图分类号:TU985 文献标识码:B
- Doi:10.3969/j.issn.1009-6000.2022.10.015
- 项目基金:国家重点研发计划“绿色宜居村镇建设评价体系与关键技术研究”(2018YFD1100203)。
- 作者简介:陈炯臻,中国矿业大学建筑与设计学院,硕士研究生,主要研究方向为美丽乡村评价体系;
- 基于MSPA和空间句法的县域绿色 基础设施网络时空格局演变分析: 以徐州市睢宁县为例
- Spatial and Temporal Pattern Evolution of County Green Infrastructure Network Based on MSPA and Spatial Syntax: A Case Study of Suining County in Xuzhou City
- 浏览量:
- 陈炯臻 季翔 葛希辰 王峰
- CHEN Jiongzhen JI Xiang GE Xichen WANG Feng
- 摘要:
在我国乡村振兴的背景下,绿色基础设施(GI)在规划建设中开始受到重视。以徐州市睢宁县为例,通过MSPA(形态学空间格局分析法)分析1998 年、2008 年和2018 年3 个时期的GI 网络景观要素,根据斑块面积和连通性,分别提取3 个时期的斑块源地,运用最小累积阻力模型识别出研究区潜在生态廊道,并通过空间句法分析了廊道结构和生态效益。研究表明:MSPA 和空间句法能为绿色基础设施(GI)网络格局时空变化研究提供新思路,为今后GI 网络规划提供科学参考。 - 关键词:
绿色基础设施;MSPA;空间句法;格局演变; - Abstract: In the context of rural revitalization in China, green infrastructure (GI) has begun to receive attention in planning and construction. Taking Suining county, Xuzhou city as an example, the GI network landscape elements in three periods in 1998, 2008 and 2018 were analyzed by MSPA (Morphological Spatial Pattern Analysis). For the source of the patch, the least cumulative resistance model was used to identify potential ecological corridors in the study area, and the corridor structure and ecological benefits were analyzed through space syntax. The research shows that MSPA and space syntax can provide new ideas for the study of temporal and spatial changes of green infrastructure (GI) network patterns, and provide scientific reference for future GI network planning.
- Key words: green infrastructure; MSPA; spatial syntax; pattern evolution
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