  • 场景营城的理念与实践
  • 文章编号:1009-6000(2022)10-0032-08
  • 中图分类号:F281    文献标识码:B
  • Doi:10.3969/j.issn.1009-6000.2022.10.005
  • 项目基金:国家自然科学基金面上项目“城市收缩治理的理论模型、国际比较和关键规划领域研究”(52078197)。
  • 作者简介:周恺,湖南大学建筑与规划学院城乡规划系,副教授; 熊益群,通信作者,湖南大学建筑与规划学院城乡规划系,硕士研究生。
  • 基于无监督聚类方法的城市消费场景识别研究:以长沙为例
  • A Method for Identifying Urban Consumption-Scenescapes Using Unsupervised Clustering Algorithms: A Case Study of Changsha
  • 浏览量:
  • 周恺 熊益群
  • ZHOU Kai XIONG Yiqun
  • 摘要:
    新芝加哥学派的场景理论近年在规划学界和业界产生了较大影响。“场景营城”成为城市更新和活力再造的新思路,为实现城市高质量发展,提供了切合居民日常生活和需求习惯的消费空间设计方法。文章以长沙为案例,探索并实验一种基于无监督聚类方法的城市消费场景识别技术。研究利用窗口滑动方法构建场景识别单元,然后用无监督聚类方法对消费场景进行分类,最后,基于结果探究各类场景的分布规律和机制。研究发现,长沙的消费场景总体可以分为7 类,不同场景类别存在一定空间分布规律,并且互相之间存在影响。本研究将机器学习无监督聚类方法应用于场景识别的实证分析,探索了一套智能化方法,帮助规划师、管理者等有针对性地精细化识别、布局相关舒适物设施,为场景营城相关实践提供技术工具。
  • 关键词:
  • Abstract: The “scene theory” of the New Chicago School has exerted great infl uence in urban planning in recent years. The idea of “Building Urban Scenescapes” was proposed as an innovative perspective for urban regeneration and revitalization, which became not only a new design philosophy of commercial spaces that stimulates consumption, but also a better approach to organizing high-quality urban facilities that suit residents’daily life. This paper took Changsha as a case to explore and experiment with a new method for identifying urban consumption scenescapes using Point of Interest (POI) data and machine learning algorithms. Firstly, the study selected and located “urban amenities” that constitutes “scenes” for consumption in cities using POI data, and defi ne units for analysis using a sliding window method. Secondly, the unsupervised clustering methods (i.e. the PCA reduction and clustering analysis) were applied to classify the consumption scenes. Finally, the pattern of distribution of various “scenes” are explained. This study applies machine learning algorithms to the empirical analysis of urban consumptionscenescapes identification and explores a set of new methods to help planners and decision-makers to recognize and organize urban amenities. It aims to provide a new tool for the practice of “Building Urban Scenescapes”.
  • Key words: scene theory; consumption space; unsupervised clustering; scenescapes; big data
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