- 规划与建设
- 文章编号:1009-6000(2022)12-0059-06
- 中图分类号:F293.2 文献标识码:B
- Doi:10.3969/j.issn.1009-6000.2022.12.008
- 项目基金:国家自然科学基金(42001233);山西省软科学项目“山西省土地利用转型与经济转型的互馈机制研究——基于城市建设用地的研究”(2018041062-6)。
- 作者简介:王琪,女,硕士,山西财经大学研究生院;
- 基于零售商业POI的城市建成区边界识别方法及实证研究
- An Empirical Study on Boundary Identification of Urban Built-Up Area Based on POI of Retail Business
- 浏览量:
- 王琪 王仁靖 刘晓霞
- WANG Qi WANG Renjing LIU Xiaoxia
- 摘要:
研究基于零售商业POI 与城市空间结构和要素空间分布的强关联性,提出了一种基于不同类型零售商业POI 服务范围的城市建成区边界识别方法。基于该方法,以太原市为例进行建成区边界识别的实证分析,识别结果与建设用地现状对比发现,从空间分布、查全率、查准率、F1 分数以及Kappa 系数等指标来看均达到较高的水平,表明建成区边界识别结果与实际建设用地现状较为一致。较之以往的识别方法,该方法更灵活高效,并可实现实时动态更新。 - 关键词:
POI;零售商业;服务范围;城市建成区;边界识别; - Abstract: The spatial distribution of POI in retail outlets is closely related to the activities of residents, which can directly refl ect the agglomeration of urban spatial distribution. Based on the strong relationship between retail POI and urban spatial distribution, this paper presents a method for identifying the boundary of urban built-up area based on POI service range of diff erent types of retail business. Taiyuan city was taken as an example to carry on the empirical analysis of the boundary identifi cation method. According to the spatial distribution, recall rate, precision rate, F1 score and Kappa coeffi cient, boundary identifi cation of built-up area is consistent with the actual situation of built-up land. Compared with the previous methods, this method is more eff ective and can realize real-time dynamic updating.
- Key words: retail business; service area; urban built-up area; boundary identifi cation
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