  • 人文与社会
  • 文章编号:1009-6000(2022)12-0117-09
  • 中图分类号:F293    文献标识码:B
  • Doi:10.3969/j.issn.1009-6000.2022.12.018
  • 项目基金:社区、生活方式与主观幸福感研究:基于日常生活整体性视角。
  • 作者简介:杨婧艺(1994—),女,南京大学建筑与城市规划学院,中规院(北京)规划设计有限公司,主要研究方向为城市与区域规划、城市社会文化空间; 张敏(1976—),女,通信作者,南京大学建筑与城市规划学院,博士,教授,主要研究方向为城市与区域规划、城市规划方法论、城市社会文化空间。
  • 住房产权对居民主观幸福感的影响:基于社区环境感知与相对剥夺 感视角
  • Impact of Homeownership on Subjective Wellbeing: Based on the Perspective of Residential Perceived Environment and Relative Deprivation
  • 浏览量:
  • 杨婧艺 张敏
  • YANG Jingyi ZHANG Min
  • 摘要:
  • 关键词:
  • Abstract: To achieve the “Living in Place” through diversifi ed supply of housing is an important issue of supply-side reform in China's urban transition stage. This paper focuses on the relationship between homeownership and individual residential experiences at the community level. Based on the data from questionnaire survey in Nanjing, applying the structural equation model, we explored the impact of homeownership on residents’subjective wellbeing. Our empirical study reveals that: fi rstly, the independent impact of homeownership on subjective well-being is weak. Home owning has a signifi cant positive impact on subjective wellbeing when individual socio-economic attributes are controlled, but this infl uence is largely caused by the gap in housing conditions between residents with homeownership and tenants. Secondly, there exists group differences in residential perceived environment between residents with homeownership and renters. In general, residents with homeownership are more likely to make negative evaluation of residential perceived environment, which will aff ect subjective wellbeing. Thirdly, this study shows that relative deprivation is an important determinant of subjective wellbeing, but little correlation between homeownership and subjective wellbeing was found. Based on these findings, it is suggested that the housing system and community governance should focus on optimizing the management system of rental housing, improving the quality of rental housing and enhancing community social integration.
  • Key words: homeownership; subjective wellbeing; residential perceived environment; relative deprivation; structural equation model
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