- 规划与建设
- 文章编号:1009-6000(2022)12-0009-09
- 中图分类号:TU982 文献标识码:B
- Doi:10.3969/j.issn.1009-6000.2022.12.002
- 项目基金:“十三五”国家科技重大专项课题“传统村落活态化保护利用的关键技术与集成示范”(2019YFD1100904);陕西省社会科学基金项目“陕西沿黄传统村落文化空间营建智慧与保护传承研究”(2020J015);西部绿色建筑国家重点实验室自主研究课题基金资助“网络化视角下陕西沿黄传统村落集中连片区空间特征与集群式保护利用策略研究”(LSZZ202016)。
- 作者简介:张睿婕,西部绿色建筑国家重点实验室/西安建筑科技大学建筑学院博士,研究方向为城乡规划与设计;
- 多源数据融合下的关中传统村落景观生态敏感度评价
- Ecosensitivity Evaluation of Traditional Village Cultural Landscape in Guanzhong Based on the Fusion of Multi- Source Data
- 浏览量:
- 张睿婕 高元
- ZHANG Ruijie GAO Yuan
- 摘要:
针对传统村落保护破碎化问题,基于传统村落景观生态整体性保护与发展理念,采集图形数据、图像数据、实体属性数据、统计数据等多源数据,建构生态敏感度评价指标体系和模型。从自然生态因子和社会经济因子两方面,测算出关中地区传统村落应对外部变化的敏感程度和分布规律,研究表明:人口空间分布、GDP 空间分布、路网空间密度、高程是影响景观生态敏感度的最主要因素。关中地区高度和极度敏感型传统村落占51%,主要分布于黄河和渭河干流沿岸地区;中度敏感型传统村落占40%,主要分布于黄土台塬地区;轻度敏感和不敏感型传统村落占9%,主要分布在北山山地和秦岭北麓山地。景观生态敏感度评价模型的建立为构建区域格局下文化生态、社会经济并重的传统村落的分类分级分区保护提供了科学路径。 - 关键词:
传统村落;景观生态;生态敏感度评价;空间区划; - Abstract: Regarding the issue of fragmentated conservation of traditional villages, this paper collects multi-source data including graphic, image, entity, attribute, and statistical data to construct an ecosensitivity evaluation index system and model, based on the integrity of traditional village landscape ecology. From the two perspectives of natural ecological and socioeconomic factor, this paper calculates the sensitivity of traditional villages in the Guanzhong Plain region towards external changes and their distribution patterns. The results show that: population density, GDP level, road network density and elevation are the main factors that affect the landscape ecosensitivity. Highly-sensitive and extremelysensitive traditional villages in Guanzhong account for 51%, mainly distributed along the Yellow River and the Weihe River. Moderately sensitive traditional villages account for 40%, which are mainly distributed in the loess tableland area. Slightly sensitive and insensitive traditional villages account for 9%, which are mainly distributed in the Beishan Mountains and the northern piedmont of Qinling Mountains. The establishment of the landscape ecosensitivity evaluation model provides a scientifi c approach to classified and tiered conservation of traditional villages from both cultural ecological and social economy aspects in the regional pattern.
- Key words: traditional village; landscape ecology; ecosensitivity evaluation; space division
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