- 规划与建设
- 文章编号:1009-6000(2022)12-0065-03
- 中图分类号:TU984 文献标识码:B
- Doi:10.3969/j.issn.1009-6000.2022.12.009
- 作者简介:陶文彬,东南大学资产处。
- 新形势下高校校园内商业空间研究 ——以东南大学九龙湖校区为例
- Research on Commercial Space of University Campuses under the New Situation: A Case Study of Southeast University Jiulonghu Campus
- 浏览量:
- 陶文彬
- TAO Wenbin
- 摘要:
商业设施作为高校校园内不可或缺的组成部分,承担着校区内在校师生日常生活、学习的保障功能。随着社会经济的高速发展,大量的新业态、新服务走进了高校,商业空间的独特性和消费群体的特殊性逐渐形成。新形势下的高校校园商业既要满足学生多样性的消费需求,同时也需在疫情常态化管理下高质量发展,商业空间的科学布局尤为关键。文章以东南大学九龙湖校区的商业现状为出发点,结合发展困境,提出商业空间布局以及业态设置的优化路径,旨在合理利用校区资源,进一步提高商业配套的服务能力。 - 关键词:
商业空间;空间布局;业态设置;优化路径; - Abstract: As an indispensable part of the university campus, commercial facilities assume the function of serving the daily needs of teachers and students on campus. With the rapid development of the social economy, a large number of new forms of business and services have entered universities, forming a unique commercial space and specifi c consumer groups. Under the new situation, the business on college campuses should not only meet the diversifi ed consumption needs of students, but also need quality development against the backdrop of the regular prevention and control of the epidemic and set the scientifi c layout of commercial space, which is particularly critical. Taking the commercial situation of Southeast University Jiulonghu Campus as the starting point, combined with the development dilemma, this paper proposes the optimization path of commercial space layout and business forms setting, aiming to rationally use campus resources and further improve the service capabilities of commercial supporting facilities.
- Key words: commercial space; spatial layout; format setting; optimization path
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