- 健康视角下的城市建设
- 文章编号:1009-6000(2022)02-0010-07
- 中图分类号:TU992 文献标识码:B
- Doi:10.3969/j.issn.1009-6000.2022.02.002
- 项目基金:广东省哲学社会科学“十三五”规划2 02 0年度学科共建项目“公众健康视角下的文化遗产活化策略研究——以东莞可园为例”(GD20XYS02);教育部人文社会科学一般项目“近代岭南乡村园林艺术特色及其在乡村振兴中的传承研究”(19YJC60094);广东省哲学社会科学一般项目“自发性建造视野下广东乡村庭院地域
- 作者简介:朱凯,广东工业大学,讲师,硕士,英国纽卡斯尔大学访问学者,主要研究方向为城乡遗产保护与社区可持续发展、自然教育与社区花园营造;
- 基于儿童友好理念视角下的海绵城市建设研究 ——以英国SuDS 建设实践为例
- Research on Sponge City Construction from the Perspective of Children Friendly Concept: A Case Study of SuDS Construction Practice in the UK
- 浏览量:
- 朱凯 汤辉
- ZHU Kai TANG Hui
- 摘要:
将雨水管理与城市规划设计相结合的方法正日益受到我国的重视,但其所依据的原则和理念并没有将雨水管理视为一个综合的社会政治因素予以考虑。英国可持续排水系统(SuDS)通过与城市规划体系的结合,将环境与社会因素纳入其中,综合考虑水质、水量、回收再利用、社区参与、自然教育以及生态价值,通过综合措施来管理雨水。文章首先从英国相关政策层面论述了可持续排水系统与儿童友好理念耦合关系的形成,其次通过对怀特市布里奇特·乔伊斯广场和伦敦“萨顿学校计划”两个案例的解读,分析其应用儿童友好理念在社区、校园中进行SuDS 建设的实践经验。该实践经验亦可为我国城市可持续发展起到三点启示:选址经验有助于儿童友好城市空间网络的形成;最大化从城市绿地获得生态系统服务效益;协同建设过程促进开放型社区民主建设。 - 关键词:
英国;可持续排水系统;儿童友好理念;城市发展; - Abstract: The method of combining rainwater management with urban planning and design is increasingly being valued in China, but the principles and concepts on which it is based do not consider rainwater management as a comprehensive socio-political factor. The United Kingdom Sustainable Drainage System (SuDS) integrates environmental and social factors into the urban planning system, comprehensively considers water quality, water volume, recycling, community participation, nature education, and ecological value; and manages rainwater through comprehensive measures. The article fi rst discusses the formation of the coupling relationship between the sustainable drainage system and the child-friendly concept from the relevant policy level in the United Kingdom, and then analyzes the two cases of Bridget Joyce Square in White city and the “Sutton School Project” in London. It has practical experience in applying child-friendly concepts in the construction of SuDS in communities and campuses. This practical experience can also provide three enlightenments for the sustainable development of cities in China: site selection experience helps to form a child-friendly city spatial network; it maximizes the benefi ts of ecosystem services from urban green spaces; collaborative process promotes open community construction.
- Key words: the United Kingdom; sustainable drainage system; children friendly concept; urban development
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