- 规划与建设
- 文章编号:1009-6000(2022)03-0036-04
- 中图分类号:TU984 文献标识码:B
- Doi:10.3969/j.issn.1009-6000.2022.03.006
- 作者简介:王万茂,中国土地学会顾问,南京农业大学土地管理学院教授,博士生导师。
- 国土空间规划落地实施的最后一公里——简论村域空间规划
- The Final Step in the Implementation of Territorial Spatial Planning: Brief Discussion on Village Spatial Planning
- 浏览量:
- 王万茂
- WANG Wanmao
- 摘要:
我国的规划生态已经形成系统的规划体系,但在规划层级和规划模式方面仍然存在不 足。文章从理论、管理和实践 3 个维度论述了国土空间规划的基础及其最终结果都要 落在地类上,分析了村域规划对规划落地实施、国土空间治理、乡村振兴和农民权益 的重要性。提出地类划分是精准实施国土空间规划的基础,统筹安排村域的土地需求 是重要途径,国土空间规划应以村域为基本操作空间,使规划实现从乡到村的过渡。 - 关键词:
国土空间规划;村域规划;地类划分; - Abstract: China has formed a systematic planning system, but there are still deficiencies in the planning level and planning mode. An important way to accurately implement spatial use control and planning of national land is to make overall arrangements for land demand in villages, which is highly operable with villages as the basic unit. This paper discusses the foundation and final results of territorial spatial planning from three dimensions of theoretical management and practice and analyzes the importance of village planning to the implementation of territorial spatial governance, rural revitalization and farmers’ rights and interests. It is proposed that territorial spatial planning should be based on the division of land types, with the village area as the basic operating space, so that planning can achieve the transition from the countryside to the village.
- Key words: territorial spatial planning; village area planning; land type division
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