  • 土地发展权与国土空间规划
  • 文章编号:1009-6000(2022)03-0014-07
  • 中图分类号:F205    文献标识码:B
  • Doi:10.3969/j.issn.1009-6000.2022.03.003
  • 项目基金:国家社科基金重大项目“基于国土空间规划的的土地发展权配置与流转政策工具研究”(20&ZD107) 。
  • 作者简介:刘晨,博士研究生,清华大学建筑学院; 田漾帆,通信作者,会计师,山西省长治高新技术产业开发区; 牛先楚,硕士,中国人民大学商学院。
  • 基于主体功能区的生态补偿与生态 功能区发展的机会成本比较研究 ——基于山西省(2008—2015)的实证分析
  • A Comparative Study between the Opportunity Cost of Ecological Compensation and the Development of Ecological Functional Areas Based on Major Function Oriented Zoning: An Empirical Analysis Based on Shanxi Province (2008-2015)
  • 浏览量:
  • 刘晨 田漾帆 牛先楚
  • LIU Chen TIAN Yangfan NIU Xianchu
  • 摘要:
    生态补偿是生态文明建设中一项重要的政策性财政工具,能够在一定程度上解决主体 功能区划视角下不同地区因目标定位差异、发展机会差异导致的潜在不均衡问题。文章 估算了 2008—2015 年山西省 18 个重点生态功能区因生态保护损失的机会成本,并与实 际的补偿额度进行对比,同时测度全省生态服务价值的演变格局,以表征生态保护效 益的外部性,对研究区生态补偿的效益(绩效)进行评价。结论 :1山西境内黄土高 原丘陵沟壑水土保持生态功能区的生态补偿额度显著低于其损失的机会成本,其中晋 西南地区的幅度更为显著 ;2研究区域的生态保护修复成效总体上优于全省均值,其 内部大致呈现为自北向南递减的趋势,说明主体功能区划战略与生态补偿政策在一定 程度上起到了预期的积极效果。建议围绕经济和生态双重目标进一步开展调控,合理 估算机会成本,以此为基础更为精准化地确定转移支付额度,并引入横向生态转移支 付与专项转移支付相结合,以实现促进区域均衡发展与生态保护的双重目标。
  • 关键词:
  • Abstract: Ecological compensation is a vital policy-oriented financial tool during the construction of ecological civilization, which could solve the potential imbalance issues caused by differences in target position and development opportunities of various regions from the perspective of main function oriented zoning. This paper estimates the opportunity cost of 18 key ecological function areas in Shanxi province lost by ecological protection from 2008 to 2015, and compares it with the actual compensation amount. At the same time, it measures the evolution pattern of ecological service value to represent the externality of ecological protection, in order to evaluate the performance of ecological compensation in the research areas. Conclusions: 1The amount of ecological compensation in the water and soil conservation ecological function area of hills and gullies of the Loess Plateau in Shanxi is significantly lower than the opportunity cost of its loss, especially in the southwest of Shanxi; 2The effect of ecological protection and restoration in the research areas is generally better than the average value of the whole province and the trend in the research areas seems decreasing from north to south. This phenomenon indicates that the main function oriented zoning strategy and ecological compensation policies have achieved the expected positive effect. Therefore, it is recommended to carry out regulation better around the dual goals of economy and ecology, estimate the opportunity cost more reasonably, determine the transfer payment amount more accurately, and adopt the combination of horizontal ecological transfer payment with special transfer payment, for promoting the dual targets of balanced development among regions and ecological protection.
  • Key words: ecological compensation; key ecological function areas; opportunity cost; ecological service value; Shanxi province
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