- 规划与建设
- 文章编号:1009-6000(2022)03-0072-08
- 中图分类号:C931;TU984 文献标识码:B
- Doi:10.3969/j.issn.1009-6000.2022.03.011
- 作者简介:牛强,男,博士,武汉大学城市设计学院城市规划系,教授,主要研究方向:数 字城市规划、GIS规划应用、计量规划模型;
- 基于实时交通态势数据和地理加权回归的城市道路通畅性影响因素分析 ——以武汉市中心区工作日早高峰为例
- Analysis of Influencing Factors of Urban Road Patency Based on Real-Time Traffic Situation Data and Geographic Weighted Regression: Taking the Weekday Morning Peak in Downtown Wuhan as an Example
- 浏览量:
- 牛强 杨超 顾重泰 张永雄 汤曦
- NIU Qiang YANG Chao GU Zhongtai ZHANG Yongxiong TANG Xi
- 摘要:
道路通畅性及影响因素研究可为改善城市交通和数据驱动规划提供科学参考。文章以 工作日早高峰实时交通态势数据反映道路通畅性,构建地理加权回归(G W R)模型探 索武汉市道路通畅性与相关影响因素的空间分异特征。结果表明:1 GWR 模型对道 路通畅性研究有较好的解释效果 ;2主干道路网密度的提升会对汉阳区及光谷附近区 域的道路通畅性提升有较大帮助 ;3江岸区、青山区、硚口区和汉阳区的居住人口在工 作日早高峰时段产生了大量的交通需求,后续的交通管制可能会对上述区域带来较适宜 的道路通畅性 ;4洪山区、汉阳区和武昌区可能需要通过重新调配公交资源来消除过量 公交资源对道路通畅性带来的影响。 - 关键词:
交通态势;地理加权回归;影响因素;武汉; - Abstract: Road patency and its influencing factors can provide scientific references for improving urban traffic and promoting data-driven planning. In this paper, road patency is reflected by real-time traffic situation data during the early peak hours of the working day, and a geographic weighted regression model is constructed to explore the spatial differentiation characteristics of road patency and related factors in Wuhan. The results show that: 1The GWR model has a good explanation effect on road patency research. 2The increase of density of the main road network will greatly help the road patency improvement in Hanyang district and the vicinity of Guanggu area. 3The residents of Jiang’an district, Qingshan district, Qiaokou district and Hanyang district generated great traffic demand during the early rush hours of the working day. Subsequent traffic controls may bring better road patency to the above areas. 4Redeveloping public transport resources may be necessary for Hongshan district, Hanyang district, and Wuchang district may to eliminate the impact of excessive public transport resources on road accessibility.
- Key words: traffic situation; geographic weighted regression; influencing factors; Wuhan
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