- 交通
- 文章编号:1009-6000(2022)04-0116-06
- 中图分类号:U491.1 文献标识码:B
- Doi:10.3969/j.issn.1009-6000.2022.04.018
- 作者简介:雷心悦,杭州市规划设计研究院,助理工程师;
- 县域融合发展下建德城乡公交枢纽布局选址研究
- Locating Urban-Rural Transit Hubs of Jiande in the Context of County Integration
- 浏览量:
- 雷心悦 邓良军 周杲尧 过秀成 吕剑
- LEI Xinyue DENG Liangjun ZHOU Gaoyao GUO Xiucheng LYU Jian
- 摘要:
合理布局公交枢纽是统筹城乡交通一体化、推动县域融合发展的现实需求。论文从宏观布局、微观选址两个层面出发,对县域城乡公交枢纽进行布局选址,包括:(1)生成初始节点;(2)改进节点重要度评价模型以识别枢纽潜在单元;(3)考虑需求覆盖率最大和城区公交站点可达性最高,构建枢纽分级选址模型。以浙江县级市建德为实例应用,提出的方案与城乡发展格局保持较好的协调性,为多数出行需求提供服务,有利于发挥枢纽功能。 - 关键词:
县域城乡公交;枢纽布局选址;节点重要度评价;网络地图开放平台; - Abstract: A reasonable layout of transit hubs is the practical demand of coordinating urban and rural transportation and promoting the integration of cross-county regional development. From both macroscopic layout perspective and micro-sitting perspective, to locate county-level urban-rural transit hubs, this paper 1) generates initial nodes between urban and rural basic analytic units, 2) identifi es the potential units with improved node-importance evaluation model, and 3) maximizes demand coverage and urban transit accessibility, thereby building the transit hub locating model to select the fi nal locations. The proposed scheme will adequately accommodate the context of regional development, not only providing services that will meet most travel demand, but also off ering opportunities to demonstrates its role as a transit hub.
- Key words: county urban-rural transit; hub location; node importance evaluation; web map API
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