- 交通
- 文章编号:1009-6000(2022)04-0110-06
- 中图分类号:U-9 文献标识码:B
- Doi:10.3969/j.issn.1009-6000.2022.04.017
- 项目基金:中国博士后科学基金资助项目(2020M670732);中央高校基本科研业务费专项资金资助(3132020159)。
- 作者简介:甘佐贤(1989—),男,博士,大连海事大学交通运输工程学院讲师;
- 基于半参数GWR的轨道站点客流影响因素分析
- Urban Rail Transit Ridership Analysis Basedon Semiparametric Geographically Weighted Regression Model
- 浏览量:
- 甘佐贤 梁晶
- GAN Zuoxian LIANG Jing
- 摘要:
基于城市轨道交通刷卡数据、土地利用数据、路网数据等多源数据,以南京市地铁为案例构建了基于OLS、GWR 和半参数GWR 模型的城市轨道交通站点客流量分析模型。结果表明:人口密度、道路密度和是否为终点站等8 个解释变量对站点客流量有着显著的影响;半参数GWR 模型不仅比OLS 和GWR 模型具有更优的模型拟合度,更重要的是能根据影响作用是否具有空间非平稳性将解释变量划分成全局变量和局部变量;人口密度、道路密度等局部变量和站点出入口数量等全局变量都与城市轨道交通站点客流量显著正相关,人口密度、道路密度等局部变量的影响程度随着空间的变化而变化。 - 关键词:
城市轨道交通;出行需求;半参数GWR模型;空间异质性; - Abstract: Based on multi-source data including smart card data, land use and road network pertaining to Nanjing, China, OLS, GWR (geographically weighted regression) and semiparametric GWR models are used to screen the explanatory variables which have signifi cant impacts on station ridership. The result shows that eight explanatory variables such as population density, road density and number of feeder bus lines, terminal station, number of exits have signifi cant eff ects on station ridership. The semiparametric GWR model not only has better goodness-of-fit than OLS and GWR models, but also can divide the explanatory variables into global variables and local variables according to whether their infl uence has spatial non-stationary. Although both local variables such as population density, road density and global variables such as the number of exits are signifi cantly positively related to the station ridership, and the impacts of local variables changes across the space.
- Key words: urban rail transit; travel demand; semiparametric GWR; spatial heterogeneity
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