- 规划与建设
- 文章编号:1009-6000(2022)04-0087-08
- 中图分类号:[F292] 文献标识码:B
- Doi:10.3969/j.issn.1009-6000.2022.04.014
- 作者简介:王存颂(1990—),武汉市规划设计有限公司,规划师,武汉大学城市设计学院研究生,研究方向为城乡规划理论、信息技术在城市规划中的应用;
- 老旧社区非正规公共空间的规划策略研究 ——以武汉市六合社区为例
- Planning Strategies for Informal Public Space in Old Community: A Case Study of Liuhe Community in Wuhan
- 浏览量:
- 王存颂 黄经南 刘奇志
- WANG Cunsong HUANG Jingnan LIU Qizhi
- 摘要:
快速城镇化给我国城市带来了大量的“副产品”——非正规空间。在诸多老旧社区中,由于历史、产权、管理体制等原因,被流动摊贩等就业人口临时占用的非正规公共空间更是广泛存在,并成为目前社区改造规划工作中的难点。文章总结了老旧社区非正规公共空间的基本特征并提出了此类公共空间治理的规划策略,即原址保留划定摊贩空间、分时段引导功能转换、社区柔性管理。最后,文章以武汉市六合社区为例进行探讨。 - 关键词:
非正规空间;复合功能;流动摊贩;社区改造; - Abstract: China’s rapid urbanization brought to a large number of “byproduct”: informal space. In old community, due to historic reasons, property right and management mechanism, informal public space, especially where street vendor congregate, is more widespread, and has become one of the most diffi cult parts in present old community planning. This paper concluded the features of informal public space in old communities, and proposed a theoretical framework for its governance, including original site reservation, function conversion, street vendor space designation, flexible management etc. By taking the Liuhe community at Wuhan as an example, the proposed framework was applied, and achieved.
- Key words: informal public space; multifunction; street vendor; community renovation
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