- 城乡景观风貌研究
- 中图分类号:TU984.2 文献标识码:A
- Doi:10.3969/j.issn.1009-6000.2022.04.001
- 作者简介:刘迪,中国城市规划设计研究院上海分院首席设计师。
- 中国当代城市风貌解析:两次风貌重塑的机制、实效与困境
- Analysis of Contemporary Chinese City Style: Mechanism, Eff ect and Dilemma of Twice Style Reconstruction
- 浏览量:
- 刘迪
- LIU Di
- 摘要:
进入当代社会后,我国从改革开放后由政府主导开启并完成了第一轮系统性的城市风貌重塑。从2010 年开始,我国经济进入新常态,城市增量发展见顶并渐趋转向城市更新,在社会多元主体以物权为工具的参与下,中国城市开始了第二次风貌重塑的新进程。第一次城市风貌重塑的过程,政府主要通过规划制度、城建制度、管理制度的顶层设计,形成了在上述制度供给支撑下的城市风貌强组织。第二次城市风貌重塑正值当下方兴未艾,已有实践呈现出由多元主体通过空间生产来调节风貌的风貌环境自组织的特征。通过对两次城市风貌重塑中过程逻辑的解析,指出各环节的外在指征和因果逻辑,提出基于“机制—实效—困境”模型的两次城市风貌重塑的研究框架。 - 关键词:
城市风貌;千城一面;空间生产;制度设计; - Abstract: After entering the contemporary society, China has started and completed the fi rst round of systematic urban landscape reconstruction under the leadership of the government since the reform and opening up. In 2010, the economy entered a period of new normal, and the urban increment has peaked and gradually turned to urban renewal. With the participation of multiple subjects of society with property rights as a tool, China’s cities have begun the second new process of landscape reconstruction. For the fi rst time, through the supply of planning system, urban construction system and management system, the government formed a strong style organization supported by system supply. The second landscape reconstruction is in the ascendant, and the existing practice shows the feature of self-organization of landscape under the regulation of multiple subjects through space reproduction. Based on the analysis of the process logic of the two urban landscape remolding, this paper points out the causal indicators in each link, and puts forward the research framework of the two urban landscape remolding based on the model of “mechanism-eff ectiveness-dilemma”.
- Key words: city style and landscape; same appearance within thousands of cities; space production; system design
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