- 规划与建设
- 文章编号:1009-6000(2022)05-0076-07
- 中图分类号:TU984 文献标识码:B
- Doi:10.3969/j.issn.1009-6000.2022.05.012
- 作者简介:王承华,江苏省规划设计集团有限公司,副总规划师,研究员级高级规划师;
- 宜居城市语境下的宜居街区整体塑造 ——以昆山市中华园省级宜居示范街区建设项目为例
- Overall Shaping of Livable Block under the Context of Livable City: A Case Study of the Project of
- 浏览量:
- 王承华 周晓
- WANG Chenghua ZHOU Xiao
- 摘要:
宜居是世界城市发展的共同目标,城市宜居性体现在不同尺度。结合江苏省宜居城市建设试点——省级宜居示范街区的实践探索,探讨了街区尺度层次上的宜居性塑造的现实意义、理念方法、行动策略和机制创新,提出以“系统集成、共同缔造”的思维理念整体塑造宜居街区,行动策略上关注系统性、实施性、人本性、可持续性4 方面要求,通过内容综合的集成实践,探索以街区为单元的网格化推动宜居城市建设的行动路径。 - 关键词:
宜居城市;宜居街区;整体塑造;共同缔造;昆山市中华园省级宜居示范街区; - Abstract: Livability is the common purpose of city development in the world. The livability of a city is refl ected at diff erent levels. By combining the practice on the pilot project of Jiangsu province livable city construction, provincial livable model block, this article explores the practical signifi cance, concept and method, action strategy and mechanism innovation of livability shaping at the level of city blocks. It proposes the concept of system integration and joint building-up in the construction of livable blocks, as well as the requirement of being systemic, feasible, people-oriented and sustainable in the action strategy. Through comprehensive practice with content synthesis, it also explores the action route how the gridding on the level of blocks promotes livable city construction.
- Key words: city livability; livable blocks; overall shaping; joint building-up; Kunshan Chinese garden provincial livable model block
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