- 规划与建设
- 文章编号:1009-6000(2022)05-0070-06
- 中图分类号:TU984;TU119 文献标识码:B
- Doi:10.3969/j.issn.1009-6000.2022.05.011
- 项目基金:中国工程科技发展战略咨询研究项目“福建省特色村镇潜力评估与人居环境更新技术集成研究”(2021-FJ -XY-6);福建省大学生创新创业训练计划。
- 作者简介:张睿,福州大学建筑与城乡规划学院建筑学本科,新加坡国立大学硕士生;
- 镜像异质空间与环境触媒因子关联性探究 ——以厦门市隘头村为例
- The Analysis of the Relationship Between Mirror Heterogenous Space & Environmental Catalyst Factors: A Case Study of Aitou Village, Xiamen City
- 浏览量:
- 张睿 黄睿钰 郑捷 洪婷婷
- ZHANG Rui HUANG Ruiyu ZHENG Jie HONG Tingting
- 摘要:
论文针对城中村公共空间环境问题,以触媒因子为着手点,对典型空间样本类型进行X、Y、Z 三维度类型界定研究,探究触媒因子与建成环境、时间的定量或定性的关系,分析关联性原因以及对城中村公共空间的影响。结果表明:(1)时间与5 大环境触媒因子有一定相关关系;(2 )道路空间与风速之间具有较显著的线性关系;(3 )道路空间中不同的空间高宽比与铺装材质是对风速产生影响的主要因素;(4)建筑、广场、树林、农田、道路空间影响城中村居民领域感。 - 关键词:
公共空间;城中村;环境触媒因子;道路空间;优化; - Abstract: Aiming at the public space environment problems in urban villages, the authors taking catalyst factor as the starting point, conducts a research on the type defi nition of typical spatial sample types in X/Y/Z dimensions, explores the quantitative or qualitative relationship between catalyst factor and the built environment and time, and analyzes the reasons for the correlation and the impact on the public space in urban villages. The results show that: (1) There is a certain correlation between time and fi ve environmental catalyst factors; (2) There is a significant linear relationship between road space and wind speed; (3) Diff erent ratio of height to width and pavement material in road space are the main reasons that aff ect the wind speed; (4) The space of buildings, squares, forests, farmland and roads aff ects the sense of domain of residents in urban villages.
- Key words: public space; urban villages; environmental catalyst factors; road space; optimization
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