- 规划与建设
- 文章编号:1009-6000(2022)05-0106-05
- 中图分类号:TU984 文献标识码:B
- Doi:10.3969/j.issn.1009-6000.2022.05.016
- 作者简介:江旭雅,中国矿业大学建筑与设计学院硕士研究生;
- 基于生态宜居理念下的城乡生态联动路径探讨 ——以徐州市近郊村为例
- Discussion on the Path of Urban-Rural Ecological Linkage Based on the Concept of Ecological Livability: A Case Study of Suburban Villages in Xuzhou
- 浏览量:
- 江旭雅 胡彬
- JIANG Xuya HU Bin
- 摘要:
在生态宜居理念的驱动下,生态环境的协调共生成为城乡一体化发展的新道路,贯通融合城乡区域之间的绿色资源具有时代迫切性。文章结合徐州近郊村落案例,提出以“控制—开发—治理—保护”为运行措施的景观资源、绿色空间、规划模式三方生态联动路径,对城镇化景观规划发展引入生态联动模式进行生态更新塑造,为延续城乡生命周期创造条件,为生态文明建设提供理论基础。 - 关键词:
生态联动;苏北地区;生态宜居;城乡一体化; - Abstract: Driven by the concept of ecological livability, the coordinated symbiosis of ecological environment has become a new way of urban-rural integration development. It is urgent to integrate green resources between urban and rural areas. Based on the case study of suburban villages in Xuzhou, this paper puts forward the ecological linkage path of landscape resources, green space and planning mode with “control -development-governance-protection” as the operation measures. The ecological linkage model is introduced into the urbanization landscape planning and development to shape the ecological renewal, to create conditions for the continuation of urban and rural life cycle and provide theoretical basis for the construction of ecological civilization.
- Key words: ecological linkage; northern Jiangsu; ecological livability; urban and rural integration
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