- 规划与建设
- 文章编号:1009-6000(2022)05-0111-08
- 中图分类号:TU984 文献标识码:B
- Doi:10.3969/j.issn.1009-6000.2022.05.017
- 作者简介:陈俊颐,西安建筑科技大学建筑学院,硕士生;
- 基于网络空间发展的城市群空间结构网络化探究 ——以关中城市群为例
- The Research of the Spatial Structure Network of Urban Agglomeration Based on the Development of Network Spatial: A Case Study of Guanzhong Urban Agglomeration
- 浏览量:
- 陈俊颐 陈晓键
- CHEN Junyi CHEN Xiaojian
- 摘要:
城市群逐步向高质量发展过程中,一种网络化的空间发展逻辑深化和发展了传统“中心地”式的空间发展模式,城市间经济跨地域和社会跨时空的空间关系逐渐成为城市群空间研究的主题,并为城市群空间结构的发展提供了新的视角,因此文章基于城市群空间结构网络化的相关理论和总体特征,对城市群空间结构网络化的理论进行逻辑建构,其中生成逻辑涉及由网络节点与关系流构成的网络化要素的形成,发展逻辑表现在网络化要素之间布局与网络组织,并最终构建了城市群空间结构网络化的分析框架;最后依据空间结构网络化分析框架,对关中城市群空间结构网络化发展进行分析,提出建立大中小网络节点城市之间的多中心布局、多元化“城市组群”空间单元和“多中心、流空间、圈层式”的结构组织优化策略,期望为城市群空间结构网络化的发展提供案例探究。 - 关键词:
空间结构;网络空间;网络化;关中城市群; - Abstract: With the high-quality development of urban agglomerations, a kind of network spatial
development logic deepens and develops the raditional“central place”spatial development mode. It provides a new perspective for the development of urban agglomeration spatial structure when the intercity economy and society are spatiotemporal. Based on exposition about the relevant important theories and general characteristics, this article constructs the theory logic of urban agglomeration spatial structure network, puts forward the generation logic that involves the formation of network elements composed of network nodes and relationship flows, the development logic that is mainly reflected by the layout and network organization of network elements, and fi nally constructs the analysis framework of urban agglomeration spatial structure networking. According to this analysis framework, in the case of the Guanzhong urban agglomeration, a growing urban area in the west of China, this paper puts forward the optimization strategies of urban agglomeration spatial structure network by establishing a polycentric layout of hierarchical network node cities, multiple spatial units of “urban agglomerations” and structural organization of “polycentric-fl ow space-circle” types as the route of the spatial structure networking of the Guanzhong urban agglomeration, to provides theoretical exploration and empirical reference for the development of spatial structure of urban agglomeration.
- Key words: spatial structure; network space; networking; Guanzhong urban agglomeration
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