- 规划与建设
- 文章编号:1009-6000(2022)05-0056-08
- 中图分类号:TU-87;P236 文献标识码:A
- Doi:10.3969/j.issn.1009-6000.2022.05.009
- 项目基金:国家自然科学基金青年基金项目“建筑遗产测绘中光学测量成果的关键图学表达方法研究”(51708285);江苏省高等学校自然科学研究面上项目“基于空间技术的江苏省建成遗产风险评估研究”(20KJB560001);徽派建筑安徽省重点实验室开放课题“基于空间信息技术的徽州传统聚落风险评估方法研究”(Hpjz2022-03);2021年江苏省“双创博士”项目(JSSCBS20210415)。
- 作者简介:张莹莹,南京工业大学建筑学院讲师,博士,主要从事建筑遗产保护、空间测量技术的研究;
- 卫星遥感在建成遗产风险评估和动态监测中的应用综述
- A Review of Applied Uses of Satellite Remote Sensing for Risk Assessment and Dynamic Monitoring of Built Heritage Conservation
- 浏览量:
- 张莹莹 孙政
- ZHANG Yingying SUN Zheng
- 摘要:
人类活动和自然灾害会对建成遗产造成不可逆的损坏。规划式预防性保护是在区域性风险防范的基础上,开展从建成遗产全体直至个体的保护工作。风险评估和动态监测是其中的关键环节,卫星遥感是此环节宏观层次的重要技术手段。文章介绍了3 类卫星遥感系统及其在建成遗产保护中的应用,讨论卫星数据使用过程中的主要问题,并通过实例说明利用卫星遥感对建成遗产实施风险评估和监测的两种方法,探讨此技术在规划式预防性保护中的潜力。 - 关键词:
建成遗产;规划式预防性保护;卫星遥感;风险评估;动态监测; - Abstract: Human activities and natural disasters could cause irreversible damage to built heritage. Based on the regional risk prevention, “planned preventive conservation” is to carry out the protection work from the whole built heritage to the individual heritage. Risk assessment and dynamic monitoring are the key steps of “planned preventive conservation”, and satellite remote sensing is an important technology in the macro level of this step. This paper introduces three kinds of satellite remote sensing system and their applications in built heritage conservation, discusses the main problems in the process of using satellite data, illustrates two methods of risk assessment and monitoring of built heritage by using satellite remote sensing through examples, and explore the potential of this technology in planned preventive conservation.
- Key words: built heritage; planned preventive conservation; satellite remote sensing; risk assessment; dynamic monitoring
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