- 多视角下的空间规划与治理探讨
- 文章编号:1009-6000(2022)05-0028-07
- 中图分类号:TU984 文献标识码:B
- Doi:10.3969/j.issn.1009-6000.2022.05.005
- 项目基金:国家教育部哲学社会科学重大攻关项目“建设现代化经济体系的路径与策略”(18J Z D029);北京市社会科学基金重点项目“供给侧结构性改革、功能疏解与北京都市圈优化发展路径研究”(18JDYJA013)。
- 作者简介:金田林(1989—),男,经济学博士,中国宏观经济研究院国土开发与地区经济研究所助理研究员,研究方向:空间政治经济学、都市圈经济与区域经济;
- 建设现代化北京都市圈的空间范围与策略研究
- Research on Spatial Scope and Strategy of Building Modern Beijing Metropolitan Area
- 浏览量:
- 金田林 吴自强
- JIN Tianlin WU Ziqiang
- 摘要:
改委“1 小时通勤圈”理念,在区县尺度上划定了现代化北京都市圈的空间范围。研究发现:(1)北京都市圈可以划分为核心圈层、紧密圈层与机会圈层3 个层次;(2)北京都市圈的核心圈层包含北京市的7 个区,分别为东城、西城、朝阳、丰台、石景山、海淀和通州;(3)紧密圈层包含北京市的8 个区和天津市的3 个区以及河北省的1 个地级市(廊坊);(4)机会圈层包含北京市、天津市和河北省的9 个区/ 地级市。文章提出应从交通一体化建设、对内对外开放、产业空间分工优化和加强政策协调四方面入手,高质量建设现代化北京都市圈。 - 关键词:
现代化都市圈;北京都市圈;空间范围;空间策略; - Abstract: Clearly defining the spatial scope of the modern Beijing metropolitan area is an important prerequisite for further promoting the deconstruction of Beijing’s non-capital core functions and discovering and cultivating a new engine for the sustainable development of Beijing’s urban economy and society in the future. It has clear signifi cance and value for the construction of a modern socialist capital. Based on the economic distance, the fi eld strength model and the gravity model, as well as the National Development and Reform Commission’s “1 hour commuting circle” concept, the spatial scope of the modern Beijing metropolitan area is delineated on the district/county scale. The study found that: (1) The Beijing metropolitan area can be divided into three levels: core, close and close, and opportunity; (2) The core area of Beijing metropolitan area includes 7 districts of Beijing, namely Dongcheng, Xicheng, Chaoyang, Fengtai, Shijingshan, Haidian, and Tongzhou; (3) The tight circle is composed of 8 districts in Beijing, 3 districts in Tianjin and 1 prefecture-level city (Langfang) in Hebei province; (4) The opportunity circle consists of 9 district-level cities in Beijing, Tianjin and Hebei province. This article proposes to start with the four aspects of transportation integration construction, internal and external opening, optimization of industrial space division, and strengthening of policy coordination to build a modern Beijing metropolitan area with high quality.
- Key words: modern metropolitan area; Beijing metropolitan area; spatial scope; spatial strategy
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