- 多视角下的空间规划与治理探讨
- 文章编号:1009-6000(2022)05-0020-08
- 中图分类号:TU984 文献标识码:B
- Doi:10.3969/j.issn.1009-6000.2022.05.004
- 项目基金:国家社会科学基金一般项目“新科技革命下我国创新城市的驱动机制与路径策略研究”(19BJ Y067)。
- 作者简介:王宇乾,杭州市规划设计研究院,城市规划工程师;
- 创新驱动下城市空间更新演变特征及动力机制 ——以杭州西溪谷互联网金融小镇为例
- Evolution Process and Dynamic Mechanism of the Urban District Driven by Innovation: Taking Xixi Internet Finance Town in Hangzhou as an Example
- 浏览量:
- 王宇乾 武前波
- WANG Yuqian WU Qianbo
- 摘要:
城市空间的演变过程存在政府、市场、社区三方力量的博弈,三者相互作用共同决定了城市发展的内在逻辑。在创新驱动的背景下,重新思考城市空间演变的内在动力机制,有助于掌握城市创新空间演变逻辑与治理要点。文章探究杭州“西溪谷互联网金融小镇”空间更新演变过程中的土地利用空间、传统经济空间和地方社会空间变化特征,从中发现,政府经营、企业协同、中产阶层化共同构成了西溪谷互联网金融小镇演化的动力机制,推动了西溪谷创新空间的持续更新。不同于传统城市空间演变过程,创新空间的演变强调以创新人才为导向,而创新化的社会空间是吸引创新人才集聚的关键。最后基于对城市创新空间发展的内在机制,探讨了创新空间的治理策略,以期推动城市空间治理的现代化进程。 - 关键词:
城市更新;创新空间;社会空间;动力机制;特色小镇; - Abstract: There is a game among government, market and community in the process of urban space evolution. The interaction of these three factors determines the logic of urban development. In the context of innovation-driven development, rethinking about the internal dynamic mechanism of urban space evolution would help understand how to build and manage urban innovation space, this paper explores the changing characteristics of land use space, traditional economic space and local social space during the spatial renewal and evolution of “Xixi internet finance town” in Hangzhou. The study found that government management behavior, enterprise cooperative behavior, middle class phenomenon constitutes the dynamic mechanism of internet fi nance town evolution, promoting the innovation space updated. And the innovative social space becomes the key to attract innovative talents. Finally, based on the internal mechanism of urban innovation space development, this paper discusses the governance strategy of innovation space in order to promote the modernization of urban space governance.
- Key words: urban evolution; innovation space; social space; dynamic mechanism; characteristic town
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