- 规划与建设
- 文章编号:1009-6000(2022)05-0083-07
- 中图分类号:TU984 文献标识码:B
- Doi:10.3969/j.issn.1009-6000.2022.05.013
- 作者简介:徐亮,中国地质大学(武汉)硕士研究生,主要研究方向为棕地再生、工业遗产保护与更新;
- 莫斯科工业社区转型机制的启示 ——以图西诺工业社区为例
- The Enlightenment of the Transformation Mechanism of Moscow Industrial Community: A Case Study of Tushino Industrial Community
- 浏览量:
- 徐亮 李泽蓉
- XU Liang LI Zerong
- 摘要:
随着城市更新进程的推进,大量位于城市中心地带的工业社区面临着转型、活化、拆迁的问题,透视莫斯科图西诺工业社区转型之经验可为我国工业社区的转型提供经验。通过实地调研及文献回顾,以莫斯科图西诺工业社区为例,梳理其中的人群结构及其转型脉络,归纳出4 点转型策略:(1)针对常住人口收集本地知识;(2)利用心理图谱挖掘居民需求;(3)开展文化活动提升参与意识;(4)优化基础设施实现居民利益。论文提出工业社区转型的5 点启示:(1)树立设计为主导的生态系统;(2)运用设计思维整合资源;(3 )引导居民表达内在需求;(4 )赋能居民激活内生动力;(5 )四重底线实现价值永续 - 关键词:
工业社区;图西诺;设计转型;公众参与;工业遗产; - Abstract: With the advancement of the urban renewal process, a large number of industrial communities located in the center of the city are facing the problems of transformation, activation and demolition. A perspective on the experience of the transformation of Moscow’s Tusino industrial community can provide experience for the transformation of industrial communities in China. Through field research and literature review, taking the Tusino industrial community in Moscow as an example, sorting out the population structure and its transformation context, and summarizing four transformation strategies: (1) collect local knowledge for the resident population; (2) use psychological maps to excavate residents’ needs; (3) carry out cultural activities to increase participation awareness; (4) optimize infrastructure to realize residents’ interests. This paper proposes fi ve inspirations for the transformation of industrial communities: (1) establish a design-led ecosystem; (2) use design thinking to integrate resources; (3) guide residents to express their inner needs; (4) empower residents to activate endogenous power; (5) with four bottom lines to achieve sustainable value.
- Key words: industrial community; Tushino; design transformation; public participation; industrial heritage
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