- 规划与建设
- 文章编号:1009-6000(2022)05-0046-10
- 中图分类号:F299.21 文献标识码:B
- Doi:10.3969/j.issn.1009-6000.2022.05.008
- 项目基金:江西省社会科学规划项目“人口老龄化对住宅能耗影响的机理与对策研究”(19G L08);江西省文化艺术科学规划一般项目“农村住宅空间设计特征演化及政策应对研究——基于赣北传统农村的调查”(YG2018130)。
- 作者简介:王晨,江西师范大学城市建设学院硕士研究生,研究方向为房地产经济与绿色发展;
- 知识图谱视角下特色小(城)镇研究知识基础、热点主题及进展分析
- The Analysis on Knowledge Base, Hot Topics and Progress of the Characteristic Town from the Perspective of Knowledge Map
- 浏览量:
- 王晨 曾艳 曾文海 刘章生 刘桂海
- WANG Chen ZENG Yan ZENG Wenhai LIU Zhangsheng LIU Guihai
- 摘要:
以CNKI 数据库中1998—2019 年特色小(城)镇研究核心文献为数据来源,采用文献计量和可视化的分析方法,借助CiteSpace 软件绘制特色小(城)镇研究科学知识图谱,对特色小(城)镇研究主体、知识基础进行分析,归纳总结特色小(城)镇研究热点、趋势及进展。结论显示:特色小(城)镇研究可追溯至小城镇建设与特色化发展阶段,并逐渐形成了特色小(城)镇建设、治理、发展模式研究主题模块。各主题研究热点随实践发展和政策变化而不断演进,期间特色小(城)镇在社会维度上的影响分析愈发受到重视,近期与乡村振兴的关联性研究呈现出相对较高的关注度。相关研究文献在建设理念与路径、发展模式与机制、国内外经验借鉴方面的研究成果已初显丰富,但在城乡融合发展与社会治理方面还有待进一步深入研究。 - 关键词:
特色小;城;镇;知识图谱;知识基础;研究热点;CiteSpace; - Abstract: Based on the core literature about characteristic town in CNKI, this paper adopts the method of bibliometrics and visualization, draws the scientifi c knowledge map of the research on characteristic town by means of CiteSpace, analyzes the the research agents and knowledge base of characteristic town, and then summarizes the research hot spots and trends of characteristic town. The conclusion shows that the research on characteristic town can be traced back to the stage of construction and characteristic development of small town, and gradually formed the major topics: characteristic town construction, governance, development model. Along with the development of practice and policy changes, the research hot spots of each topic have been evolving continuously, moreover, the analysis on impact of characteristic town on the social dimension has already been increasingly highlighted during this period, and the research on the relationship between characteristic town and rural revitalization has a relatively high concern recently. The research results of relevant research literatures on the construction concept and path, development mode and mechanism, domestic and foreign experience reference have been abundant, in urban and rural development and social governance needs to be further in-depth. However, the further study into urban and rural integration development and social governance is required.
- Key words: characteristic town; knowledge map; knowledge base; hot spots; CiteSpace
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