- 人文与社会
- 文章编号:1009-6000(2022)05-0126-07
- 中图分类号:TU984 文献标识码:B
- Doi:10.3969/j.issn.1009-6000.2022.05.019
- 项目基金:安徽省自然科学基金面上项目“时空视角大城市农民工居住迁移的网络特征、机制与空间规划响应研究——以合肥市为例”(2108085M E183);安徽省高校省级自然科学研究重点项目“基于社会网络分析的流动人口内城迁居时空特征、机制与城乡规划对策研究——以合肥市为例”(KJ2020A0460);安徽省高校省级人文社会科学研究重大项目“基于生态安全格局下的安徽省中小城镇开发边界划定技术与管控政策研究”(SK2019ZD52)。
- 作者简介:侯伟,安徽建筑大学建筑与规划学院讲师,博士,安徽省城镇化发展研究中心,研究方向为城乡规划理论与设计、社区规划与住房建设;
- 城镇地区环境风险影响迁居行为的差异与机制研究 ——以安庆市为例
- Study on the Differentiation and Mechanism of Environmental Risks’ Impact on Relocation Behavior in Urban Areas: A Case Study of Anqing
- 浏览量:
- 侯伟 王晴 黄怡
- 摘要:
风险社会背景下,环境风险已经成为建设美好人居环境的重要挑战并且影响居民的迁居选择。围绕城镇地区环境风险对不同群体迁居影响是否存在差异,选取5 个典型环境风险源,获取其周边303 份迁居情况调查问卷,运用二元Logistic 回归分析,表明环境风险影响迁居行为存在显著差异。老年人、农村户籍、低收入、租赁住房群体以及工作在风险源周边的居民,更易迁入或在风险源周边地区内迁居,这一过程呈现环境非正义现象。微观个人理性选择、宏观社会经济制度以及中观地方政府政策,共同促进环境风险影响迁居行为差异。需制定科学的环境健康政策降低与消除风险,保障各类群体尤其弱势群体免受环境风险损害的权利。 - 关键词:
环境风险;迁居;行为差异;机制;安庆; - Abstract: In the context of risk society, environmental risks have become an important challenge for building a better living environment and have aff ected residents’ choices of relocation. Focusing on whether there are diff erences in the impact of environmental risks on the migration of diff erent groups in urban areas, fi ve typical environmental risk sources were selected to obtain 303 questionnaire surveys. Through the binary logistic regression analysis, it shows that there are significant differences in environmental risk impact on relocation behavior. The elderly, rural household registration, low income, rental housing groups, and residents working around the risk source are more likely to move in or in the area around the risk source. This process presents environmental injustice. Micro-personal rational choices, macrosocioeconomic systems, and meso-level local government policies all work together to promote diff erences in environmental behaviors that affect residential behavior. It is necessary to formulate a scientific environmental health policy to reduce and eliminate risks, protect various groups, especially vulnerable groups, from environmental risks.
- Key words: environmental risks; residential mobility; behavioral diff erences; mechanism; Anqing
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