- 多视角下的空间规划与治理探讨
- 文章编号:1009-6000(2022)05-0014-06
- 中图分类号:TU984 文献标识码:A
- Doi:10.3969/j.issn.1009-6000.2022.05.003
- 作者简介:谭林,西南石油大学工程学院,助教,工学硕士,主要从事城乡规划与设计、城乡社区治理与社会发展研究;
- 我国城市空间治理的逻辑嬗变 ——从基于互联时代的视角分析
- The Logical Evolution of Chinas’ Urban Epace Governance Based on the Analysis of the Internet Era
- 浏览量:
- 谭林 陈岚
- TAN Lin CHEN Lan
- 摘要:
不断暴露的复杂城市问题对新时代下城市空间治理提出了更多挑战,重构城市空间治理系统、优化治理策略成为城市高质量发展的重要研究议题。以互联网时代特征为切入点,基于其理论内涵和技术性特质的解析阐释互联与城市空间治理的内在关系。进而从治理体系、治理主体和治理路径3 个维度剖析互联背景下城市空间治理的演进趋势与嬗变逻辑,揭示新时期城市空间治理的变革规律。最后依据互联时代的突出优势特点,探讨了新时期城市空间治理策略的优化思路,具体可从精细化治理体系—人文化治理平台—信息化治理路径三位一体的方向展开。 - 关键词:
互联时代;城市空间治理;治理体系;治理主体;治理模式; - Abstract: The ever-exposing complex urban problems pose more challenges to urban spatial governance in the new era. Reconstructing the urban spatial governance system and optimizing governance strategies have become important research topics for high-quality urban development. Taking the characteristics of the internet era as the starting point, based on its theoretical connotation and technical characteristics, this paper interprets the internal relationship between interconnection and urban space governance. Then, from the three dimensions of governance system, governance subject and governance path, it analyzes the evolution trend and evolution logic of urban spatial governance in the context of interconnection, and reveals the transformation law of urban spatial governance in the new era. Finally, according to the outstanding advantages of the internet era, the optimization ideas of urban space governance strategies in the new era are discussed.
- Key words: internet era; urban governance; governance system; governance master; governance mode
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