- 城市微气候变化的影响与规划应对
- 文章编号:1009-6000(2022)07-0014-08
- 中图分类号:TU984 文献标识码:B
- Doi:10.3969/j.issn.1009-6000.2022.07.003
- 项目基金:国家自然基金面上项目“基于集成信息技术的老旧社区复合环境宜居效能研究”(52078388)。
- 作者简介:刘焘玮,武汉大学城市设计学院硕士研究生,研究方向为城市设计、建筑设计及其理论;
- Phoenics模拟下的南丰古城风环境研究
- Research on Wind Environment of Nanfeng Ancient City Based on Phoenics Simulation
- 浏览量:
- 刘焘玮 程世丹 李欣
- LIU Taowei CHENG Shidan LI Xin
- 摘要:
南丰古城与周边的小城镇相比具有明显的冬暖夏凉特征,论文通过田野调查和Phoenics 软件模拟,并运用控制变量、对比分析等方法,探究了路网走向、街巷体系以及官厅宅院分布与区域风环境的耦合关系。研究表明,南丰古城的城市形态在不同层面上较好地适应了地方气候条件,减少了冬季寒风侵扰,增强了夏季散热效果,并在主要城区部分形成了良好的风环境,也为当今新型城镇化建设提供了有益的启示。 - 关键词:
南丰古城;Phoenics;风环境;空间布局; - Abstract: Compared with the surrounding small towns, the Nanfeng ancient city had an obvious characteristic of being warm in winter and cool in summer. This study explored the coupling relationship between road network direction, street system, official residences’ distribution and regional wind environment by means of fi eld investigation and Phoenics simulation, controlling variables and comparative analysis. The research found that the urban form of Nanfeng ancient city adapted to the local climate conditions in diff erent levels, reduced the invasion of cold winds in winter, enhanced the heat dissipation effect in summer, and formed a good wind environment in the main urban areas, which also provided benefi cial enlightenment for the construction of new urbanization.
- Key words: the ancient city of Nanfeng; Phoenics; wind environment; spatial layout
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