  • 规划与建设
  • 文章编号:1009-6000(2022)07-0048-10
  • 中图分类号:TU984    文献标识码:B
  • Doi:10.3969/j.issn.1009-6000.2022.07.008
  • 项目基金:国家自然科学基金项目(41971200,41601159)。
  • 作者简介:朱秋宇,男,华东师范大学地理信息科学教育部重点实验室,华东师范大学地理科学学院,自然资源部超大城市自然资源时空大数据分析应用重点实验室,硕士研究生,主要研究方向为行为地理学; 塔娜,女,通信作者,华东师范大学地理信息科学教育部重点实验室,华东师范大学地理科学学院,自然资源部超大城市自然资源时空大数据分析应用重点实验室,博士,副研究员,主要研究方向为城市社会地理学与行为地理学。
  • 空间行为视角下的上海郊区新城生活空间研究 ——以奉贤与南汇新城为例
  • A Study on the New towns’ Living Space in Suburb Shanghai from the Perspective of Spatial Behavior: A Case Study in Fengxian and Nanhui New Towns
  • 浏览量:
  • 朱秋宇 塔娜
  • ZHU Qiuyu TA Na
  • 摘要:
    新城建设是优化大城市空间结构、应对城市空间蔓延的重要手段。国内对新城的研究注重新城开发建设与空间绩效,缺乏对新城居民日常生活的关注,而时空间行为研究为从微观个体层面透视城市空间提供了重要视角。文章利用2017 年对上海市郊区的奉贤新城和南汇新城居民的活动与出行调查数据,以日常生活设施为核心,借助GIS 空间分析对新城空间的设施状况和居民的行为空间进行刻画,推出奉贤新城和南汇新城生活空间特征。研究主要发现:新城公共交通建设的不足是限制居民日常出行的重要因素;工作活动和个人照料活动是新城居民出行的主要目的;新城内的日常生活设施状况会对居民的活动空间特征产生明显影响;基于百度热力大数据的活动特征进一步讨论了新城居民活动时间规律。研究还基于新城生活空间的理想模式讨论两个新城发展的不足及营造新城生活空间的具体措施。
  • 关键词:
  • Abstract: The construction of new town is an essential method of optimizing the spatial structure of large cities and the means of coping with continuous urban growth. Shanghai started the exploration of new town in the suburb years ago. However, the development and construction of the new town are slow, especially the lacking of living facilities for daily life is a common problem for the new town. Most of the domestic research which focus on new town discussed the development and the construction of new town from the perspective of urban planning, and this kind of research put less attention to the actual life of new town residents. The structure of spatial and temporal behavior provides an important perspective for the research of urban space and also a perspective of studying individual’s behavior. This research used the survey data from a questionnaire survey conducted in 2017, which focus on residents’ characteristic of activities and travel, in Fengxian new town and Nanhui new town. Using the living facilities as the key features for new town’s built environment, and also by the method of spatial analysis in GIS, this research characterize the status of living facilities within the new town space and the behavioral space of the residents. The living space’s features of Fengxian new town and Nanhui new town were launched. The research mainly found that the relatively poor construction of public construction in the new town is an important factor which restricts the daily travel of residents; work activities and personal-care activities are the main purpose of travel outside the new town; the living facilities in the new town would aff ect the residents’ location of activity and characteristic of activity space; based on the activity characteristics of Baidu’s heatmap, the temporal characteristics of the residents’ activity in new town are further discussed. Finally, this research discusses the limitations of the development of the two new towns and the specifi c measures for creating new town’s living spaces based on the ideal pattern of the new town’s living space.
  • Key words: new town; living space; activity space; Shanghai
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