  • 规划与建设
  • 文章编号:1009-6000(2022)07-0042-06
  • 中图分类号:TU984    文献标识码:B
  • Doi:10.3969/j.issn.1009-6000.2022.07.007
  • 作者简介:何小洲,南京市城市与交通规划设计研究院股份有限公司,正高级城乡规划师,总经理助理、院副总工、综合交通四所所长; 柯靖宇,南京市城市与交通规划设计研究院股份有限公司,工程师; 杨涛,南京市城市与交通规划设计研究院股份有限公司,教授,董事长; 刘超平,南京市城市与交通规划设计研究院股份有限公司,高级工程师,综合交通四所副所长。
  • 公交都市建设的反思与佛山的规划实践
  • Rethink of the Transit Metropolis with the Planning Practice in Foshan
  • 浏览量:
  • 何小洲 柯靖宇 杨涛 刘超平
  • HE Xiaozhou KE Jingyu YANG Tao LIU Chaoping
  • 摘要:
    城镇化进程的加快、城市规模的不断扩张、城市人口的迅速增长、机动化水平的增长带来了一系列城市交通和环境问题,“公交都市”战略应运而生。国内前后3 批公交都市创建城市积累了大量优秀经验,也反映出当下存在的一些问题。公交都市的建设应抛弃“就公交论公交”短期行为的传统思路, 按照中长期发展策略与近期行动并重的新思路,以都市为本、公交为核、保障为基,注重“都市”与“公交”的协同发展,积极发挥地方政府的主体责任,充分供给土地、路权、资金等公共资源,同时注重公交行业公益性与经营性的平衡,并通过法制化手段保障公交都市战略的有效落实。
  • 关键词:
  • Abstract: The acceleration of urbanization, the continuous expansion of the urban size, the rapid growth of urban population, and the growth of motorization have brought about a series of traffi c problems and environmental issue, then the“Transit Metropolis”strategy emerged. The three batches of“Transit Metropolis Project”led by local government in China have accumulated excellent experience, which also derives some problems. The development of a transit metropolis should abandon the shortsighted thinking of“just matter of transit”, and follow the sustainable thinking, which takes metropolis as the foundation, transit as the core, and policies as the navigation. Decision-makers should think about how to build transitoriented development (TOD) mode, and governments should play an active role, fully supplies public resources such as land, right of way, and also funds. At the same time, the balance between public welfare and economic performance of urban public transit industry is also a key issue. However, all above should be guaranteed in law.
  • Key words: Foshan; transit metropolis; planning; practice
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