- 规划与建设
- 文章编号:1009-6000(2022)08-0037-06
- 中图分类号:TU984 文献标识码:B
- Doi:10.3969/j.issn.1009-6000.2022.08.006
- 作者简介:占思思,中国城市规划设计研究院深圳分院,高级城市规划师,国家注册规划师;
- “撤市设区”背景下大都市近郊区分区规划刍议 ——以杭州市富阳区为例
- District Planning of Suburban Areas in Metropolis under the Background of “Withdraw the County Area”: A Case Study of Fuyang in Hangzhou
- 浏览量:
- 占思思 罗彦 刘华彬
- ZHAN Sisi LUO Yan LIU Huabin
- 摘要:
为更好地促进分区规划与城市发展相适应,不同城市针对分区规划的编制范围、重点、方法有所差异。随着特大城市“撤市设区”进程加速,上海、杭州等城市逐步进入“全域市区化”。文章以杭州市富阳区为例,探讨大都市边缘区“县域经济”单元转变为新市区“都市经济”单元后,规划管理由“相对独立的县市总规”向“统筹管控的分区规划”转变后,与杭州传统中心区、老市区,在编制思路、编制层次、编制实施方面的差异性。思路上强化分界面补足短板,层次上强化分梯度功能引导,实施上强化分类政策制定。 - 关键词:
撤市设区;大都市近郊区;新市区;分区规划; - Abstract: In order to better promote the adaptation of zoning planning to urban development, the scope, focus and methods of zoning planning are diff erent in diff erent cities. With the acceleration of the process of “withdraw the county area” in megacities, cities such as Shanghai and Hangzhou have gradually entered “global urbanization”. Taking Fuyang cistrict of Hangzhou city as an example, this article discusses the transformation of the “county economy” unit in the metropolitan fringe area into the “urban economy” unit of the new urban area, the planning management from “relatively independent county and city general planning” to “overall management and control of zoning planning”. After the transformation, compared with the traditional central area and the old urban area of Hangzhou, there are diff erences in the formulation ideas, formulation levels, and formulation implementation. In terms of thinking, we should strengthen the interface to make up for shortcomings, strengthen the guidance of gradient functions at the level, and strengthen the formulation of classifi ed policies in implementation.
- Key words: withdraw the county area; metropolitan suburb; new urban area; zoning plan
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