- 老年服务设施资源配置研究
- 文章编号:1009-6000(2022)08-0016-08
- 中图分类号:F294;TU984 文献标识码:B
- Doi:10.3969/j.issn.1009-6000.2022.08.003
- 项目基金:基于大数据的体育中心人群疏散模式及优化设计方法研究(51878202);大庆市哲学社科规划研究项目:老龄化背景下大庆既有建筑改造型养老设施空间适宜性研究(DSGB2020107)。
- 作者简介:黄丽蒂,东北石油大学土木建筑工程学院,教授;
- 安全视角下的老龄化社区路网应急疏散与路径优化研究
- Research on Emergency Evacuation and Route Optimization of the Road Network of the Aging Community from the Perspective of Safe
- 浏览量:
- 黄丽蒂 许欣欣 刘莹 张曦兮
- HUANG Lidi XU Xinxin LIU Ying ZHANG Xixi
- 摘要:
以解决城市临灾脆弱性问题,提高老龄化社区道路安全和避难场所的可达效率为目标。对大庆某老龄化社区路网、避难场所、人群对社区避难场所的熟悉度特征等进行深入调研,作为模拟数值依据,使用Pathfinder 软件对算例社区进行疏散模拟。结果表明:人口老龄化、住区和避难场所的设置、人群对场地的熟悉度均会影响疏散效率。以存量建筑拆毁率最小化为前提,优化后疏散有效路网密度提高了32.46%,人均疏散路径减少26.93%,老人人均步行疏散效率提高22.04%。 - 关键词:
老龄化社区;社区路网;疏散效率;仿真模拟; - Abstract: In order to solve the problem of urban disaster vulnerability and improve the road safety of aging communities and the accessibility effi ciency of shelters, this study conducted a study on the road network, shelters, and familiarity characteristics of crowds with community shelters in an aging community in Daqing. As a numerical basis for the simulation, the researchers used Pathfi nder software to simulate the evacuation of the example community. The results show that: the aging of the population, the setting of settlements and shelters, and the crowd’s familiarity with the site will all aff ect the evacuation effi ciency. On the premise that the demolition rate of existing buildings is minimized, the eff ective road network density for evacuation is increased by 32.46% after optimization, the per capita evacuation path is reduced by 26.93%, and the per capita walking evacuation effi ciency of the elderly is increased by 22.04%.
- Key words: aging community; community road network; evacuation effi ciency; simulation familiarity
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