- 规划与建设
- 文章编号:1009-6000(2022)08-0059-05
- 中图分类号:U49 文献标识码:B
- Doi:10.3969/j.issn.1009-6000.2022.08.009
- 项目基金:国家自然科学基金青年项目(51408367)。
- 作者简介:古维迎,深圳市坪山区规划和自然资源研究中心,规划研究部部长;
- 深圳城市街景绿化对共享单车使用的影响研究
- Study on the Impact of Urban Street Landscape Greening on the Use of Sharing Bikes in Shenzhen
- 浏览量:
- 古维迎 范婉怡 陈义勇
- GU Weiying FAN Wanyi CHEN Yiyong
- 摘要:
无桩的共享单车近年从中国兴起,并因其灵活性、便利性和健康益处,在全球许多城市受到广泛欢迎。论文采用大样本共享单车实际骑行数据,以深圳市为例,探讨了影响共享单车使用的因素,特别是绿化因素的影响。采用网络爬虫方式,获取全市两天共24.8 万辆可供使用的共享单车的信息,共被使用901760 次,数据分析发现共享单车的使用在空间分布上很不均匀。回归分析证实了街景绿化对骑行的积极影响,且发现绿化覆盖率对骑行的影响微乎其微。结果还表明,自行车投放密度、用地和建筑环境、交通环境、兴趣点密度等因素与共享单车的使用显著相关。论文建议通过增加共享单车的投放密度、增加自行车专用路网、改善建成环境、增加立体绿化等措施,提高共享单车的使用率。 - 关键词:
共享单车;建成环境;街景绿化;骑行行为; - Abstract: In recent years, bike-sharing emerged from China and has become popular in many cities around the world for its flexibility, convenience and health benefits. This study uses a large sample of actual cycling data of sharing bikes and takes Shenzhen as an example to discuss the factors aff ecting the use of sharing bikes, especially the impact of greening factors. By using web crawler, the information of 248000 sharing bikes available was obtained, in the city in two days which were used for 901760 times. The results found that the use of sharing bikes was uneven in spatial distribution. Regression analysis confirmed the positive impact of streetscape greening on cycling and the impact of green coverage on cycling was minimal. The results also show that factors such as bicycle placement density, built environment, traffic environment, and density of points of interest are signifi cantly correlated with the use of sharing bikes. The study suggests that the use of sharing bikes should be increased through measures such as increasing the density of sharing bikes, increasing the special bicycle network, improving the built environment and increasing vertical greening.
- Key words: sharing bikes; built environment; streetscape greening; cycling behavior
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