- 公园与城市
- 文章编号:1009-6000(2022)09-0002-05
- 中图分类号:TU984 文献标识码:B
- Doi:10.3969/j.issn.1009-6000.2022.09.001
- 项目基金:国家自然科学基金面上项目“城市开放空间系统的构成与服务效能研究”(31971721)。
- 作者简介:张帆,南京林业大学风景园林学院,副教授,硕士生导师;
- 公园原初属性的寻回:自然、乡野与日常生活 ——以英美近代城市公园为考察中心
- Searching for the Original Attributes of Parks: Natural, Countryside and Daily Life: A Case Study of Modern Urban Parks in Britain and the U.S.
- 浏览量:
- 张帆 郑博文
- 摘要:
以公园城市建设为背景,结合对美英城市公园运动时期公园建设思想和成果的回溯,从表征与本质两个方面讨论了城市公园的3 个原初属性,包括:风景化的自然——基于健康的自然性、城市中的乡野——基于公平的休闲性以及工作之外的日常生活——基于民主的社会性。在此基础上,对照中国近现代城市公园建设存在的问题,提出了3 个“回归”的建议,即从宏大叙事回归日常生活、从人工化回归自然与乡野以及从城市设计、生态设计回归风景设计,为公园城市研究提供关于“公园与城市”关系的一种“前提假设”认知。 - 关键词:
风景园林;城市公园;再认知;原初属性;公园城市; - Abstract: Based on the background of park city construction, tracing the thoughts and achievements of park construction in the period of the American and British Urban Park Movement, this paper discusses the three original attributes of urban park from two aspects of representation and essence, including scenic nature for the sake of health, rurality providing equitable leisure, and daily life refl ecting the sociality of democracy. On this basis, compared with the problems existing in the construction of modern urban parks in China, the paper puts forward three suggestions as follows: the return from grand narrative to daily life, the return from artifi cial back to nature and rural, and the return from urban design, ecological design to landscape design. It provides an understanding of the relationship between park and city, which is a premise hypothesis of park city research.
- Key words: landscape architecture; urban park; recognition; original attributes; park city
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