- 规划与建设
- 文章编号:1009-6000(2022)09-0097-08
- 中图分类号:TU-80 文献标识码:B
- Doi:10.3969/j.issn.1009-6000.2022.09.015
- 项目基金:国家自然科学基金青年项目“黄土沟壑区传统村落生态理水智慧图解及现代传承研究”(51908465);陕西省自然科学基础研究计划青年项目“雨水利用导向下的陕北黄土沟壑区现代乡村住区基本单元模式研究”(2020JQ-180);陕西省创新能力支撑计划创新团队项目“县域新型镇村体系创新团队”(2018T D-013);陕西省教育厅协同协同创新项目“黄土高原新型镇村体系规模预测与空间区划技术”(20JY038)。
- 作者简介:芦旭,西安建筑科技大学建筑学院,讲师;
- 黄土沟壑区传统村落的理水智慧及其规划启示
- Study on the Traditional Eco-Wisdom of Water Governance in the Loess Gully Region and its Enlightenment for Contemporary Rural Planning
- 浏览量:
- 芦旭 张晴 雷振东 景阳 张恬姿
- LU Xu ZHANG Qing LEI Zhendong JING Yang ZHANG Tianzi
- 摘要:
黄土沟壑区地貌复杂,三季干旱,夏雨集中且多暴雨,黄土高原约50% 的传统村落集中于此,且大部分仍在有效运行。近年来该地区乡村多呈现跨越式转型,无序摊大、结构失衡、过分硬化等现象突出,进而引发了雨季排水困难、旱季又严重缺水的矛盾。向地区传统村落学习,传承其理水智慧,并对接地区现代乡村规划是解决前述问题的有效途径。研究采用样本抽样法,选取该地区3 类9 个典型传统村落进行实地调查,从“村落选址”“ 村落营建”“ 农业生产”3个方面梳理了地区传统村落蕴藏的理水智慧,并提炼出“重视基础,按需动态建设”“增蓄减排,重视竖向设计”“规模适中,单元有机组合”3个关键启示,以期为地区乡村人居环境建设提供技术思路。 - 关键词:
黄土沟壑区;传统村落;理水智慧;规划启示; - Abstract: The loess gully area has a complex topography, three seasons of drought, and heavy rain in summer, and about 50% of the traditional villages on the Loess Plateau are concentrated here, and most of them are still operating eff ectively. In recent years, many villages in this area have undergone leap-forward transformation, with prominent phenomena such as disorderly spread, structural imbalance, and excessive hardening, which have led to the contradiction of difficult drainage in the rainy season and severe water shortage in the dry season. Learning from the traditional villages in the region, inheriting their wisdom of water management, and connecting with the modern rural planning in the region are eff ective ways to solve the above problems. The study adopts the sample sampling method, selects 3 types of 9 typical traditional villages in the region for field investigation, and sorts out the water management wisdom contained in the traditional villages in the region from three aspects: “village site selection”, “village construction” and “agricultural production”, and extracts three key inspirations: “emphasis on the foundation, dynamic construction on demand”, “increase storage and emission reduction, pay attention to vertical design”, “moderate scale, organic combination of units”, in order to provide technical ideas for the construction of rural living environment in the region.
- Key words: the Loess Gully region; traditional village; traditional eco-wisdom of water governance; enlightenment for contemporary rural planning
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