- 规划与建设
- 文章编号:1009-6000(2023)01-0119-05
- 中图分类号:F124.3 文献标识码:A
- Doi:10.3969/j.issn.1009-6000.2023.01.018
- 项目基金:西安市社会科学基金重点项目(JG187)“技术转移促进西安产业二元创新能力提升的路径研究”;软科学研究计划重点项目(2020KRZ003)“科技创新助推陕西制造业高质量发展研究——基于制造业创新能力的比较与分析”。
- 作者简介:周勇,西安建筑科技大学管理学院,博士生导师,研究方向:城市经济,技术创新;
- 城市开放度、资源约束与城市创新行为
- Urban Openness, Resource Constraints and Urban Innovation
- 浏览量:
- 周勇 郭烨琳 吴海珍
- ZHOU Yong GUO Yelin WU Haizhen
- 摘要:
为了探究各城市创新方式差异化的原因,文章以2008—2017年间城市面板数据为例,采用因子分析法对城市开放度进行综合评价,实证检验城市开放度与城市创新行为之间的关系,并分别检验政府创新投入以及教育基础的调节作用。研究结果表明:(1)城市开放度与两种创新行为的关系均呈倒“U”型;(2)政府创新投入促进了城市开放度与模仿创新行为的关系,但抑制了城市开放度与自主创新行为的关系;(3)教育基础削弱了城市开放度与模仿创新行为的倒“U”型关系,但加强了城市开放度与自主创新行为的倒“U”型关系。研究结论对城市开放度在不同资源约束条件下城市创新行为的选择提供了理论依据。 - 关键词:
城市开放度;自主创新;模仿创新;资源约束; - Abstract: In order to explore the reasons for the differences of innovation modes in different cities, this paper takes the city panel data from 2008 to 2017 as an example, uses the factor analysis method to comprehensively evaluate the urban openness, empirically tests the relationship between urban openness and urban innovation behavior, and tests the regulatory role of government innovation investment and Education Foundation respectively. The results show that: (1)the relationship between urban openness and two innovation behaviors is inverted “U”; (2)government innovation investment promotes the relationship between urban openness and imitative innovation behavior, but inhibits the relationship between urban openness and independent innovation behavior; (3)education foundation weakens the inverted “U” relationship between urban openness and imitative innovation behavior, however, it strengthens the inverted “U” relationship between urban openness and independent innovation behavior. The conclusion provides a theoretical basis for the choice of urban innovation behavior under diff erent resource constraints.
- Key words: urban openness; independent innovation; imitative innovation; resource constraints
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