- 规划与建设
- 文章编号:1009-6000(2023)01-0064-08
- 中图分类号:K928 文献标识码:B
- Doi:10.3969/j.issn.1009-6000.2023.01.010
- 项目基金:国家自然科学基金(42071176);广东省科技计划(2020A1010020037);《广州大典》与广州历史文化研究(2018GZY28);广东省社科规划(GD20SQ16)。
- 作者简介:谢涤湘,男,广东工业大学建筑与城市规划学院,博士,教授,主要研究方向为城市社会文化地理、城市更新;
- 基于网络文本分析的历史文化街区 游客感知意象研究 ——以广州恩宁路永庆坊为例
- Tourism Image in Historical Streets Based on Online Comments Analysis: A Case Study of Yongqingfang Guangzhou
- 浏览量:
- 谢涤湘 吴家权
- XIE Dixiang WU Jiaquan
- 摘要:
恩宁路历史文化街区因其独特的骑楼建筑风貌、粤剧文化以及蕴含丰富的老城区记忆,成为广州重要的旅游地,其中永庆坊街区更成为近年来广州著名的“网红打卡地”。基于游客点评数据,构建“认知—情感”模型,运用网络文本分析方法对永庆坊的游客认知意象进行系统梳理,然后进一步通过扎根理论的方法对游客消极情感因素进行逐层编码,分类归纳和总结。研究结果显示,游客对永庆坊认知形象重要性排序,依次为“旅游地氛围”“旅游资源”“旅游活动”“旅游地环境状况”;此外,导致游客消极情感的主要影响因素为旅游资源体验,其中包括地方小、商业化气息浓厚、缺乏可识别性、同质化问题严重。建议未来恩宁路永庆坊历史文化街区更新应在注重保护地方文化真实性的基础上,创新规划设计方法、经营管理策略,合理控制商业化程度,在旅游发展和地方文化保护之间取得平衡,实现其可持续发展。 - 关键词:
网络文本;历史文化街区;游客感知意象;永庆坊; - Abstract: The Enning Road historical and cultural block has become an important tourist destination in Guangzhou because of its unique arcade architecture, Cantonese opera culture, and rich memories of the old city. Among them, the Yongqingfang block has become a famous “net celebrity check-in place” in Guangzhou in recent years. Based on the tourist comment data, a “cognition-emotion” model is constructed, and the cognitive image of tourists in Yongqingfang is systematically sorted out by using the network text analysis method, and then the negative emotional factors of tourists are coded layer by layer and classifi ed by the method of grounded theory. The results of the study show that the ranking of the importance of tourists’ cognition image of Yongqingfang is “tourism atmosphere”, “tourism resources”, “tourism activities” and “tourism environment conditions”; in addition, the main factors that lead to tourists’ negative emotions are tourism resources experience, including small places, strong commercial atmosphere, lack of identifi ability, and serious homogenization problems. It is suggested that the future renewal of Yongqingfang historical and cultural block on Enning Road should focus on protecting the authenticity of local culture, innovating planning, design methods and management strategies, reasonably controlling the degree of commercialization, and striking a balance between tourism development and local cultural protection in order to achieve its sustainable development.
- Key words: online comments; historical streets; tourism image; Yongqingfang
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