- 规划与建设
- 文章编号:1009-6000(2023)01-0096-07
- 中图分类号:TU984 文献标识码:B
- Doi:10.3969/j.issn.1009-6000.2023.01.015
- 项目基金:深圳市科技创新委项目—稳定支持(面上项目)“多利益主体视角下城市非正规住区治理与可持续发展研究——以深圳城中村为例” (20200809152540001)。
- 作者简介:甘欣悦,深圳大学建筑与城市规划学院,助理教授。
- 非正规性视角下城市非正规住区与就业研究溯源与辨析
- Tracing and Analyzing Urban Informal Settlements and Employment from the Lens of Informality
- 浏览量:
- 甘欣悦
- GAN Xinyue
- 摘要:
在实现“以人为本”的城镇化新阶段,我国大量城市非正规住区和就业面临包容性治理的诉求;对城市发展过程中非正规治理模式的多样性缺乏理论认识。非正规性作为与发展中国家城市化密切相关的研究领域,可对上述问题做出理论和实践的回应,但目前在我国城市研究中还较少探讨。通过对非正规性研究领域进行相关理论和实证综述,认为该领域在对非正规住区和就业二元化、边缘化的固有认识提出批判的同时,在其产权、制度和治理3个方面提出了新认识。这对于解释非正规住区和就业治理机制,提出包容性的、可持续的治理策略具有重要意义。未来需要从理论本土化、政府治理、研究对象扩展、创新产权与规划设计思路拓展该领域的中国研究。 - 关键词:
非正规性;非正规住区;非正规就业;治理;产权; - Abstract: In the new stage of “people-oriented” urbanization, a large number of urban informal settlements and employment in China are facing demands for inclusive governance; there is a lack of theoretical understanding of the diversity of informal governance models in the process of urban development. Informality, as a research fi eld closely related to the urbanization of developing countries, can provide theoretical and practical responses to the above problems, but it is still rarely discussed in urban research in China. Through a theoretical and empirical review of the fi eld of informality research, it is believed that while criticizing the inherent understanding of informal settlements and employment dualization and marginalization, this fi eld proposes three aspects: property rights, institutions, and governance. This has important implications for explaining informal settlements and employment governance mechanisms and proposing inclusive and sustainable governance strategies. In the future, it is necessary to expand Chinese studies in this field from theoretical localization, government governance, expansion of research objects, innovative property rights, and planning and design ideas.
- Key words: informality; informal settlement; informal employment; governance; property right
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