- 全域土地综合整治支撑区域高质量发展的路径与模式
- 文章编号:1009-6000(2023)01-0015-06
- 中图分类号:TU984;F301.2 文献标识码:A
- Doi:10.3969/j.issn.1009-6000.2023.01.003
- 项目基金:江苏省自然资源科技计划项目(2021006);江苏自然资源智库开放合作项目(ZK22007)。
- 作者简介:陈慧梅,高级工程师,江苏省土地开发整理中心;
- 社会资本参与国土空间全域综合整 治的模式与路径
- The Pattern and Path of Social Capital Participating in the Comprehensive Consolidation of Land Space
- 浏览量:
- 陈慧梅 范业婷 金晓斌 杨帆 张辛欣
- CHEN Huimei FAN Yeting JIN Xiaobin YANG Fan ZHANG Xinxin
- 摘要:
国土空间全域综合整治是顺应生态文明建设和乡村振兴战略的重要举措,是解决区域空间布局无序、资源利用效率低下和生态系统功能退化等问题的重要途径。随着生态文明体制改革和财税体制改革的不断深化,全域综合整治任务日益加重和整治专项资金短缺之间的矛盾不断凸显,以依靠政府财政投资为主的土地整治模式,已经难以满足国土空间全域综合整治发展需求。研究立足于国土空间全域综合整治,结合乡村振兴和新型城镇化的时代背景,探讨社会资本参与国土空间全域综合整治的内在逻辑、典型模式以及发展路径,以期为社会资本参与国土空间全域综合整治实践提供参考。研究结果表明:(1)社会资本参与国土空间全域综合整治,应从投资体制等多方面开展顶层设计,是深入推进投融资体制改革的必然要求,也是发挥市场在资源配置中决定性作用的重要途径;(2)当前社会资本参与全域综合整治的模式主要包括:政府投资公司市场化运作、企业或个人自主开发、政府与社会资本合作以及委托企业代建;(3)应尽快健全完善社会资本参与全域综合整治的政策支持体系,强化风险防控管理机制,建立全过程监管机制和专业队伍支撑体系。 - 关键词:
社会资本;国土空间全域综合整治;内在逻辑;典型模式;发展路径; - Abstract: The comprehensive consolidation of land space is an important measure to comply with the strategy of ecological civilization construction and rural revitalization. It is also an important way to address issues such as disordered regional spatial layout, low resource utilization effi ciency, and ecosystem function degradation. With the continuous deepening of the reform of the ecological civilization system and the reform of the fi scal and taxation system, the contradiction between the increasing task of comprehensive land consolidation in the whole region and the shortage of special funds for the improvement has become increasingly prominent. Land consolidation relies mainly on government fi nancial investment, has been difficult to meet the needs of the comprehensive consolidation of land space. This study explores the internal logic, typical pattern and development path of social capital participating in the comprehensive consolidation of land space combined with the era background of rural revitalization and new urbanization, aims to providing a reference for social capital participating in the comprehensive consolidation of land space. The results show that: (1) the government should carry out top-level design from the investment system and other aspects for better supporting social capital to participate in the comprehensive consolidation of land space, which is an inevitable requirement for deepening the reform of the investment and fi nancing system and also an important way to let markets play a decisive role in resource allocation; (2) at present, the patterns of social capital participating in the comprehensive land consolidation mainly include: market-oriented operation of government invested companies, independent development of enterprises or individuals, public-private partnership, and entrusted construction by enterprises; (3) the government should improve the policy support system for social capital to participate in the comprehensive land consolidation as soon as possible, strengthen the risk prevention and control management mechanism, and establish the whole process supervision mechanism and professional team support system.
- Key words: social capital; comprehensive consolidation of land space; internal logic; typical pattern; development path
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