- 规划与建设
- 文章编号:1009-6000(2023)10-0068-07
- 中图分类号:TU984 文献标识码:B
- Doi:10.3969/j.issn.1009-6000.2023.10.010
- 项目基金:福建省社会科学规划项目(FJ2020C036)。
- 作者简介:叶丹,福建理工大学建筑与城乡规划学院,讲师;
- 混合居住视角下的保障房居住冲突研究 ——以福州市R小区为例
- Research on Living Conflict of Affordable Housing Community from the Mixed Living Perspective: A Case Study of R Community in Fuzhou City
- 浏览量:
- 叶丹 陈树荣 赵家亮
- YE Dan CHEN Shurong ZHAO Jialiang
- 摘要:
混合型保障房建设是城市从增量发展转向存量提升需要解决的关键问题。以混合居住相关研究为切入点,梳理总结我国保障房政策发展脉络,重点评述我国保障房混合居住政策与实践效应,当前“隔离导向”的配建保障房实践往往不能促进融合,而且更易导致邻里排斥和冲突。文章以具体案例为实证,从空间设计、配套设施、社区管理、邻里交往等方面分析配建型保障房住区的居住冲突表征,并基于不同利益主体视角,综合辨析居住冲突机制。研究表明,配建型保障房住区的居住冲突源于两对矛盾,一是政府公共收益最大化和企业利益最大化矛盾,二是商品房业主物权和保障房居民居住权矛盾。文章最后从立法保障、收入差异梯度混合、分散混居、提高货币补贴比例等方面探讨了居住融合导向下的混合型保障房建设政策建议。 - 关键词:
保障房;居住冲突;居住融合;混合居住;隔离墙; - Abstract: The construction of mixed affordable housing is a key issue that needs to be solved when the city transforms from incremental development to inventory upgrading. Using related studies on mixed living as a starting point, this paper sorts out and summarizes the development history of the affordable housing policy in China to comment the effects of mixed living policies and practices. It finds that the current practice of “separation-oriented” mixed affordable housing cannot promote integration, but lead to neighborhood exclusion and conflict. Then this paper takes R community in Fuzhou city as an example to analyze the representations of living conflict in affordable housing community from the aspects of space design, supporting infrastructure, community management, neighborhood communication, and comprehensively
summarize the mechanism of living conflict based on the perspectives of different stakeholders. It shows that the living conflicts in the affordable housing community are caused by two kinds of contradictions: one is the contradiction between the government’s maximization of public benefits and the enterprise’s maximization of interests; the other is the contradiction between the property right of commercial housing owners and the residential right of affordable housing residents. Finally, this paper puts forward the suggestions of legislative protection, income-based mixed affordable housing construction, scattered mixed habitation and monetary subsidies improvement to promote residential integration of mixed affordable housing community.
- Key words: aff ordable housing; living confl ict; living integration; mixed living; separating wall
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