- 健康与空间研究
- 文章编号:1009-6000(2023)10-0009-10
- 中图分类号:TU984 文献标识码:B
- Doi:10.3969/j.issn.1009-6000.2023.10.002
- 项目基金:国家自然科学基金面上项目“基于多元博弈和共同创新的城市设计形态导控研究”(51978267);广东省高等教育教学研究和改革项目“‘新工科’理念下城市设计创新人才培养模式探索”(x2jz/C9203090);华南理工大学校级教研教改项目“‘开放、协同、跨域、创新’的城市设计教学模式探索”(x2jz/C9213056);华南理工大学2021年研究生在线开放课程、校企合作特色课程“风景园林规划与设计(二)”(x2jz/D6214650);华南理工大学2022年度本科精品教材专项建设项目“城市设计:融合自然的形态建构”(x2jz/D622221004)。
- 作者简介:李敏稚,华南理工大学建筑学院、亚热带建筑科学国家重点实验室、广州市景观重点实验室,博士,副教授,硕士生导师;
- 基于跑步者需求的广州中心区建成环境适跑性研究
- Study on Running Suitability of Built Environment in Guangzhou Central District Based on Runners’ Needs
- 浏览量:
- 李敏稚 安振方 尉文婕
- LI Minzhi AN Zhenfang WEI Wenjie
- 摘要:
健康城市和运动友好型城市空间建设已成为新时代城市高质量发展的必然要求。建成环境作为各种运动行为的物质空间载体,对于人的身体机能和身心品格具有重要影响。结合跑步者问卷调查、访谈和获取跑步VGI 大数据等方式收集广州中心区的跑步者数据,运用情感分析、词频分析、文本分析等多方法分析数据,通过层次分析法构建建成环境的适跑性评价体系。并以广州市天河区为例对分析结果进行评价,叠合建成环境适跑性评价图与跑步活动热力图,研究跑步热力活动与适跑空间的耦合关系;从宏观、中观、微观3 个维度分别提出空间适跑性规划和设计优化策略。 - 关键词:
跑步活动;广州中心区;建成环境;数据分析;适宜性评价; - Abstract: The construction of healthy cities and sports-friendly urban spaces has become a necessary requirement for high-quality urban development in the new era. As the material space carrier of various sports behaviors, the built environment has an important impact on improving people’s physical function and improving their physical and mental character. The runner data in the central area of Guangzhou is collected by combining runner questionnaires, interviews and VGI big data of running. The data is analyzed by using multiple methods such as emotion analysis, word frequency analysis, text analysis. The built environment fitness evaluation system is constructed by means of hierarchy process. Then the results of the analysis are evaluated in the Tianhe district of Guangzhou, and the built environment runnability evaluation map and the running activity heat map are superimposed to study the coupling relationship between running heat activity and runnability space.Finally, from the macro, meso and micro dimensions, the paper puts forward the spatial fitness planning and design optimization strategies, aiming to provide a reference for building a sports friendly urban space suitable for running activities.
- Key words: running activities; Guangzhou central district; built environment; data analysis; suitability evaluation
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