- 规划与建设
- 文章编号:1009-6000(2023)10-0075-10
- 中图分类号:F293 文献标识码:B
- Doi:10.3969/j.issn.1009-6000.2023.10.011
- 项目基金:浙江省软科学(2022C35076); 2023年浙江省哲社科“党的二十大和省委十五届二次全会精神研究阐释”专项课题。
- 作者简介:郭俊辉,浙江科技学院经管学院教授、硕导,博士,研究方向
- 公租房入居群体的城市吸引力形成机制:基于杭州的调研
- The Formation Mechanism of Urban Attractiveness with Public Rental Housing Residents: A Survey Based on Hangzhou
- 浏览量:
- 郭俊辉 陆中元 于江川
- GUO Junhui LU Zhongyuan YU Jiangchuan
- 摘要:
研究构建了公租房认知对于城市吸引力影响的调节与中介的混合模型。经过分析获得了以下发现:第一,公租房认知正向影响城市吸引力,其中存在租房满意度的中介作用,也存在政策魅力度的调节作用;第二,公租房认知由服务属性、社区属性、关注属性、经济属性、监管属性5 个要素构成,在高政策魅力度条件下该值表现都较高;第三,公租房认知五维度在年龄、月收入上存在一些差异性的规律。分析显示了顾客对于公租房的认同机制和城市吸引力的形成机制,为继续完善公租房运营提供了理论指导。 - 关键词:
公租房认知;租房满意度;城市吸引力; - Abstract: This paper constructs a mixed model of adjustment and mediation for public rental housing cognition impact on urban attractiveness, and obtains several findings. Firstly, public rental housing cognition shows a positive impact on urban attractiveness, this is owing to the mediation function of rental satisfaction as well as the adjustment function of the policy attractiveness. Secondly, public rental housing cognition contains five elements: service, community, attention, economics, and regulation. The value of public rental housing cognition is higher under high policy attractiveness condition. Thirdly, the public rental housing cognition five-dimensional evaluation shows some differentiations on age and monthly income factors. The results suggest the customers’ recognition mechanism for public rental housing and the formation mechanism of urban attractiveness, which provide a theoretical foundation for the improvement of public rental housing operation.
- Key words: public rental housing perception; rental satisfaction; city attractiveness
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