- 深圳城市研究
- 文章编号:1009-6000(2023)11-0001-07
- 中图分类号:TU984.2;F292 文献标识码:B
- Doi:10.3969/j.issn.1009-6000.2023.11.001
- 作者简介:李其妍其妍,南京大学建筑与城市规划学院硕士研究生,主要研究方向为城市与区域域规规划划研研究究、健、健康城市;
- 深圳罗湖中心区4深圳罗湖中心区40余年规划发展历程演变及启示程演变及启示
- EvolutionEvolution and Its Enlightenment of the Planning and Development in the Last 40 Development in the Last 40 Years of Luohu Central District, ShenzhenShenzhen
- 浏览量:
- 李其妍 冯建喜
- LI Qiyan FENG Jianxi
- 摘要:
文章构建“背景—规划编制—规划管理—规划实施”分析框架,揭示改革开放 40 多年深圳罗湖中心区规划发展历程演变,将其划分为 3 个阶段 :(1)高速发展阶段(1979—1992 年);(2)经济转型阶段(1993—2005 年);(3)全面深化改革阶段(2006 年至今)。40 多年来罗湖中心区规划发展历程呈现 5 个方面的演变特征:(1)规划角色与作用从被动工具逐渐转变为重要的治理手段;(2)规划体系与框架在模仿中不断开辟自身路径;(3)规划类型与内容从法定规划到法定与非法定规划全面开花;(4)规划目标与理念逐渐从物质经济跳脱走向多元化 ;(5)规划管理与实施从水平管理到建立分层分级架构,并且更加精细化。期望通过对罗湖中心区 40 多年规划发展历程的梳理为其他城市和城区的规划编制提供经验借鉴及教育警示。 - 关键词:
规划发展;演变;改革开放;罗湖中心区;深圳; - Abstract: The article constructs an analytical framework of “background - planning formulation - planning management - planning implementation” to elucidate the planning and development process of Shenzhen Luohu central district during the period of reform and opening up. The history is segmented into three stages: (1) high-speed development stage (1979-1992); (2) economic transformation stage (1993-2005); (3) comprehensive deepening reform stage (2006-present). Over the past 40 years, the development history of Luohu central district’s planning exhibits fi ve evolving characteristics: (1) The planning role and function have gradually shifted from a passive tool to an important means of governance; (2) The planning system and framework have developed their own paths through imitation; (3) Planning types and contents have blossomed from statutory planning to a combination of statutory and non-statutory planning; (4) Planning objectives and concepts have gradually moved beyond material economics towards diversification; (5) Planning implementation and management have transitioned from horizontal management to the establishment of a hierarchical and graded structure, becoming more sophisticated. This research hopes that the 40-year history of planning development in Luohu central district can provide experiential reference educational warnings for other cities and urban areas.
- Key words: planning and development; evolution; reform and opening up; Luohu central district; Shenzhen
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